Source: 7 Train Blues Facebook
April 19, 2016 Staff Report
Crowded 7 train straphangers will get a little relief this fall.
The MTA will provide two additional round trips on weeknights from 8 p.m. to 10 p.m. starting in the fall. The agency had mentioned the plan at a Sunnyside town hall meeting early this month, and formally announced it on Monday.
The additional rides will address the challenges posed by ever-growing subway ridership coupled with ongoing MTA construction work, according to the agency.
The 7 train is experiencing record high ridership of about 525,000 per weekday, MTA NYC Transit President Ronnie Hakim said at the town hall. Meanwhile, due to construction, weekend closures between Long Island City and Manhattan will continue until the end of 2017.
“We always want to better serve our customers by strengthening service whenever we have sustainable resources to do so, but we also must balance providing that service with the critical maintenance work we need to run trains safely,” Hakim said in a statement Monday. “Our biggest challenge now is juggling our record ridership demand all week long while maintaining a system that stays open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
Implementation of the service additions depends on crew and schedule changes that will be finalized in the coming months; the agency may re-evaluate the service changes as needed once they are underway.
I love the 7 train, rikki is no good
WOW i wish everyone was like you, then no one would be a wussie and gladly enjoy the crowded unreliable 7 train while they go to their utterly fantastic super well paying job in the big apple.
I understand that construction needs to be done to keep everything working and to make things better. But it just seems like the 7 Train keeps dealing with the same problems no matter what and this is causing a lot of trouble for me when commuting to my college and commuting for school work. I can only imagine what people trying to get to work have to be dealing with.
I’m sorry I meant rikki, not risking. Very smart phone.
Risking your kidding right? Since when does an employee set the hours of operation of a business. That comment is completely nuts. I can see it now, I walk into work and tell my boss can you change the hours that this business is needed to run because my train is crowded? That would go over well. You gotta be joking around. Funny though, I mean, your not serious…….are you? If your not, the guys with the white suits and the straight jacket will be coming to visit you soon. I just hope your not a danger to yourself or anyone around you
well why did you apply there in the first place knowing the 7 is not reliable? you have to take responsibility for your actions so move close to you job and walk to work….that has lots of advantages…if people call in sick you can cover for them and make overtime, because you live the closest to your job…its always worked for me.,
anyway, nothing will change in the next 25 years, unless the LIRR actually has a sunnyside stop to take you in the back way to grand central.
This is the best run train in NYC. Needs to be cleaned better but best train in ny
Because of the acceleration of commercial and residential development in Hunters Point, Long Island City, Flushing and possibly Sunnyside, which could result in more riders taking the 7 train service, the MTA needs to finish replacing the older R62 subway cars with the newer R188 subway cars, renovating and retrofitting the Steinway Tunnel and replacing the older fixed-block signals with the newer moving-block signals via CBTC.
This is ridiculous. The MTA is managed by incompetent overpaid cronies and manned by incompetent lazy union staff. The result is there in plain sight: people are much better off taking a Uber.
It just happened to me yesterday as there was simply no trains to Manhattan at 11 AM… And two overcrowded buses. I took a cab.
I don’t understand why, if you aren’t going to run the trains on the weekend, you don’t do something for that– q32 buses running at weekday schedule, shuttle buses the whole length. The extra two treasons on days people expect confession means nothing.
“Crowded 7 train straphangers will get absolutely no relief this fall, while city officials will prance around as if they’ve actually done something useful.”
again YOU ARE THE CAUSE OF THIS………you have to work m-f 9 to 5 …find ways not to work those hours and your commute will be fine..
They should have torn this garbage down decades ago and replaced it with buses and light rail.
A bullet train would be pretty cool.
It looks like the 7 train is down this weekend April 23rd-24th (again, sigh). This wasn’t on the original 2016 schedule they released!
Shutdowns as reported at the end of 2015: https://www.dnainfo.com/new-york/20151223/long-island-city/7-train-service-will-shut-down-for-8-weekends-2016-mta-says
Shutdowns as they appear on the MTA website today: http://web.mta.info/nyct/service/7Line2016/MakingProgressin2016.htm
They advertised “fewer shutdowns” at the beginning of this year, but it seems like more weekend shutdowns than ever. Again, what gives!?
My 40 minute commute took 90 minutes on Sunday. Hooray for the MTA
“Our biggest challenge now is juggling our record ridership demand all week long while maintaining a system that stays open 24 hours a day, seven days a week.”
And you’ve managed this challenge by making sure riders who have no nearby alternative simply don’t have a system that stays open 24/7. That was easy.
Without further clarification, I assume this is one local and one express, since trains alternate?
Hey, Sunnyside, hope those years of weekend service outages (and the “signal problems” they seem to cause every Monday morning rush hour) were worth the 1 extra train an hour.
All trains should be local to 61st, then route as now where half go express the other half stay local. Express stops are already vastly over served as it is. Very few people use Junction and Mets and Flushing is also served by LIRR. Can we get Van Bramer on this