Suspect (Image Courtesy of NYPD)
Jan. 2, 2015 By Christian Murray
A 63-year-old Sunnyside Gardens man was thrown to the ground outside his home by two teenagers who then fled off with his backpack, according to police.
The incident took place outside 39-55 46th Street as the victim was walking southbound toward his home. Two Hispanic men—aged between 15 and 20 years old—approached him at about 12:40am, Dec. 15, and pushed him to the ground, according to police.
Once on the ground, the men then took off with his backpack.
The NYPD has not made any arrests.
Anyone with information is asked to Crime Stoppers at 1-800-577-8477 (TIPS)
criminals know the cops are on a pull back and are starting to test the boundaries. If the Mayor does not acknowledge soon that he needs the cops to respect him and stop having his wife and sharpton challenging their authority then we can expect a lot more of this behavior from minorities..yes i said it because that’s who is committing most of the crime
That is so ignorant and racist it’s not even funny! I just pretend that you are trolling on here.
Putting more cops and having a totalitarian state is not the answer for a better city. Put money where it really matters, education. Stop saying that minorities are criminals or stupid or lazy! Start saying that they are an important part of a community and better educate their kids. One educated kid will touch more lives than a cop. (Not saying that all cops are bad and that there will never be crime)
NO his blacko wife has him puzzywhipped….face it she will never admit black people are racists too, and can commit racial hate crimes.
But what takes real guts is to admit we need a WAR ON EBONICS immerse black people in the English language.
We dont have a race problem in America but we sure do have a Functional Illiteracy one…..some tough love is needed to solve it….
Here we go again. Let’s immerse black people in the english language. Oh, and why we’re at it, let’s immerse hispanic people in the english language. Let’s immerse chinese people in the english language. Your war on ebonics is a war on black culture and by extension, a war on blacks. Why can’t you admit you’ll always hate black people until they seem more like you?
De Blasio hates the police, his German father, and Catholics and Irish people.
All De Blasio did was support protesters? Some of the protesters were shouting “kill cops.” Some of them attacked and spit at cops. If the protestors were asking for the death of teachers or firemen would that be OK? If you’re going to point out the lack of respect of police officers, the lack of respect of certain groups of protesters needs to be pointed out, as well. When Garner was killed De Blasio was the head of the NYPD. A true leader should have have found a few good men like Liu or Ramos–before they were dead–and defused tensions by pointing out there are many, many decent men on the force. (80,000 arrests last year, 80 weapons drawn.) Then say you taught your son to fear them, if you must. The police do not have to unconditionally support the mayor, he did not earn their respect.
Like they show the people a ton of respect, choking them out, shooting them in stairwells, and generally harassing minorities.
The last time an unarmed black man was killed by the police in this city was 2006. So yes, they have been showing a lot of restraint and respect. And if you’re talking about stop and risk when you say police harassing minorities that is something the mayor could have ended a year ago. Once again, the mayor has distanced himself from a department he runs rather than try to bring people together.
and 78 or 79 times they drew their weapons the perp had a police record or were in the commission of a crime.
yes it is that exceedingly rare for a police officer to shoot a law abiding citizen….but you will never ever hear anyone black admit to it. We need to end MLK day because blacks dont care about content of character anymore.
Another mind boggling generalisation about black people.
NO its proved everyday…..any black criminal gets shot and black people march and riot
Notice no college educated blacks get shot at? hmmmmmm
Ahh, college education. The balm for the soul of an angry black man. To be honest mate, I don’t think you notice much beyond the end of your nose.
I do understand that an angry stepdad yell out some thing he should not, that there were shots fired during a protest and looting. That is embarrassing.
It was better in NYC although not 100% do to some actual angry people and cops that were planted to act as “angry citizens.”
Where did you get the 2006 fact from? Oh maybe a 16 year old kid that died in March of 2013 does not count because he is not a “man. Same thing I guess goes for a 30 year old woman that died the same way Garner did in 2012. And many many more.
Maybe we should start paying those homeless people on the street to do our neighborhood watch, they will do a better job than cameras since they are always on the street and if I see the same homeless more frequent than cops, there is something wrong with that. Last time I saw a foot patrol in Sunnyside was when they stopped to pick up groceries with patrol car, that’s all.
What happened to more cameras? What happened “how should I spend 1 Billion Dollars” question? Where did that money go? Parties? Trees? Christmas lights? “Ped Plaza”? Pay me $10k a month, I’ll patrol for you Jimmy.
they were out first thing this morning ticketing cars with expired 2014 emissions……got 4 cars on our street…maybe more
The NYPB is acting like a five year old spoiled little brat that got its candy taken away by its mommy. The tragedy of the two cops should not create a cause for such disrespect. All de Blasio did was supported demonstratiors and made cops go bact to training for a few days. The crime done to the poor 63 year old man was noting to do with what is going on with the cops and the mayor.
Deblasio aka big bird hates cops
Give me ten good men with baseball bats.We’ll clean up this mess.
Black Dynamite can! Jive turkeys!
this got nothing to do with DeBlasio, only cause landlords found fools to pay $1600 a month for a studio don’t change what the neighborhood is. Back to the article; this generation have no morals, no shame….
Does jimmy know or care? The fools voted for deblasio
We need to make sure he knows. Call his office, attend the monthly community board meetings. We need to watch out for each other. If you see something that is just not right call 911. There’s no charge for calling the police. If these thugs start to see this they will move to another place. Hopefully Brooklyn and rob some of the hipsters that voted for this poor excuse of a mayor.
I hope they catch them soon.
I been living in Sunnyside since 78 , A neighborhood patrol would be great …I would sign up ….time to protect our neighbors
jimmy lives on this block
Jimmy is afraid of his own shadow
Jimmy likes his picture taken
Jimmy doesn’t like controversy
Jimmy doesn’t do shit like his idol Deblasio
Jimmy hides in his office
Let’s open used a homeless shelter in Sunnyside next to vsn bramers house and see if he likes it..Thats what has happened to this neighborhood
what does 2 teens robbing a guy have to do with the homeless?
Cops are gone, crime will slowly trickle back. Hide yo kids and yo wife cuz they’ll be breaking into windows again.
Just..to um..you know…say what i’ve been saying for a while now in case the cops read this shill of a site. Sunnyside has a drug problem.
Supers need to make sure their roofs are properly alarmed. People need to stop opening their doors to every person with a clipboard. People need to stop letting fake exterminators in.
Annnnnd finally… get to know your neighbors . If you see a person you don’t know trying to get into the building don’t assume anything, wait a few minutes till things clear. don’t just be smart, be NEW YORK smart
you’re welcome
Please have your boys stay out of the north side above 43rd st. Thanks.
what the hell are you babbling about?
“Sunnyside has a drug problem.”
Where? Sometimes I get tired of waiting for the delivery service, I wouldn’t mind stepping out for some fresh air and picking them up.
we need to give these clowns the toughest sentence in the world…….
Read and discuss the NY Times in front of a parole board……let the thugs determine how long they want to stay in jail………..5 or 50 years..
All these attacks on the elderly is getting out of hand. Damn hooligans of sunnyside
These people are NOT from Sunnyside.
A neighborhood watch is needed.
yes, i can never tell what time it is without having one.
It’s time we need to defend ourselves since the politicians are useless.
What does this have anything to do with Mayor and NYPD? Do you mean NYPD is not doing it’s job because they hate the mayor?
I think one day one of those thugs will hit a hard rock, assume someone is an easy prey, but they’ll get a death punch in the throat and he will be seizing his life away on the sidewalk, but with all lock they’ll arrest the mugging victim because he defended himself and killed one of these b*stards.. Until that happens, we won’t get rid of these muggers.
Christian, where was this picture taken? Why weren’t there reports or more pictures since December 15th?
It looks like there’s a need for a Neighborhood Police Force! I’d love to see some Irish guys beat the shit out of someone that rob geriatrics.
The only Irish in the neighborhood are the politicians who run Sunnyside. Can Cathy Nolan fight?
Ass hole
This happened dec 15th!!! Why are we only hearing about it now???18 days later!!! That’s disgraceful .
Seems news traveled faster in the days of the Pony Express.
Hey Jimmy give your buddy DeBlasio a call and make sure you thank him for creating such a great relation between the mayors office and the NYPD. This is fallout and now its in your own backyard.
A couple of kids mug a guy and take his backpack and it’s de Blasio’s fault?! The cops would have been there to prevent this if the mayor was nicer to the NYPD? Congrats on the dumbest thing said on the internet so far in 2015.
If the cops were? 10% of the police in New Orleans deserted during Hurricane Katrina rather than do their job instead of being always the way cops OFTEN are self-important, self-centered, cowards, self-serving SO WHY SHOULD I BE SYMPATHETIC? Because they walk off the job and betray the people?
“Give me a break” I remember these same stupid pro-cop views from the time of Mayor Lindsay as COPS NEVER CHANGE THEY ARE COPS not saints and most of them if not criminals would of become criminals if they did get a lousy job where you represent them (PBA aka cop gang) rather than the PEOPLE.