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$5 Million Lottery Ticket Sold at the Smoke Shop


June 18, 2015 Staff Report

The Smoke Shop, located at 45-20 Queens Blvd, sold a scratch-off ticket earlier this month that yielded the purchaser $5 million.

The winner, who the New York State Lottery Commission won’t name, bought a “Cash X  100” ticket for $20.

Patel Ronak, who works at the store, said he and his colleagues weren’t sure who purchased the ticket. He said that the winner did not return to the store to notify them.

The name of the winner will be announced in about four weeks, according to Christy Calicchia, a spokeswoman for the New York Lottery.

She said that with scratch-off cards the store does not get a bonus for selling the ticket unlike with Powerball and Mega Millions.

The winner will get the choice to take the $5 million as a lump sum or in installments.

If taken as a lump sum, the winner would receive about $3.1 million after taxes.

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the queens taster

As much as I would like to win 5 million,dream on, why do the ny state lottery have to name the winner at all. Even 4 weeks from now, the publicity has been achieved without naming them, the lottery people do not give you the option of no publicity like other states do. still when they name the person I hope it’s not that knacker 4 doors up who has just bought a brand new Harley, where did he get the money for that? noisy **** please god no.


Believe it or not: The New York Lottery contributed $3.11 billion in fiscal year 2014-2015 to help support public education in New York State, or 14 percent of total state education funding to local school districts. The New York Lottery continues to be North America’s largest and most profitable Lottery, earning over $54.7 billion in education support statewide since its founding over 47 years ago.

the donald

a measley $5 mil?? i spent that on socks last week!!!!!
Nothin but small timers out there in queens. Speak to me when you got $5B, then we can see if we can deal. Im lookin to buy some land for my next tower.


the donald

im impressed mac, you know a little bit about me. hers what im gonna do, buy smoke stack and the block south down to greenpoint and im gonna put up TRUMPSIDE, a 86 story black glass tower, with all the amenities you hipsters love. Overpriced coffee on the ground floor, old fashioned beard trimming barbershop, ukelele repair shop, ironic t-shirts hand screen printed right here in america! I will bring you a decent bagel shop, if you elect me President.


I’m not sure what you think he should be so thrilled about? His life isn’t going to change.


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