32-45 Queens Blvd
Dec. 2, 2015 Staff Report
A 12-story hotel is likely to rise on Queens Boulevard across the street from the 33rd Rawson 7-train Station
The site, located at 32-45 Queens Boulevard, is likely to consist of about 100 units, said co-developer Roger Lee. He said that he and his partners initially filed permits for a 26 story hotel building but decided to scale it back.
Revised permits have yet to be filed.
Lee said that he is in discussions with hotel operators to take the space upon completion.
Lee’s plans represent the continuation of the hotel boom that continues to take hold in Long Island City.
There have been 20 hotels built in Long Island City since 2008 and 26 are in the planning/construction phase, according to a report issued by the Long Island Partnership in August.
They should build the new Garden in Sunnyside Train Yards. Accompanied by a huge convention center.
That would be beneficial for all.
weill, it’s a good thing that the 7 train is never packed. keep on building til a catastrophe occurs,then it’s lawsuit time.
a measly twelve stories, what is this Ithaca??? Queens im losin faith in you!!
NYC is too expensive for many people to live in. Why not ship the homeless to areas of the country that are cheaper and where they can have a better quality of life? Upstate NY, the Dakotas, the South, Baltimore, Detroit, Newark, there are plenty of places where you can live decently on a smaller income.
Yea, let’s just ship anyone you don’t like yo another city. Makes perfect sense.
Shelters coming see pan am on QB and Verve in LIC
It’s just a shelter for women and children. What harm could it do?
The city’s homelessness crisis continues to force the city to shelter people in converted private facilities. City Hall will take over the Verve Hotel at 40-03 29th Street in Long Island City by next week, and use it to house 200 homeless women. The facility will also provide mental health treatment and offer help to residents in managing their money. Harshad Patel’s Laxmi Management developed the hotel in 2007. The Real Deal reported last November that the property was in contract for $20 million to an unknown buyer, but public records still list the owner as Laxmi Management LLC. It’s unknown how the owners will be compensated. Officials said the move was spurred by a spike in the number of homeless women living in the city’s shelters. It’s not the first time the city has taken such a step. The Pan Am Hotel in Elmhurst was converted into a home for homeless families last year, and, in February, the Department of Homeless Services temporarily rented rooms at a hotel in Jamaica, the LIC Post reported. Locals expressed wariness towards the new shelter. “We want people to have a place to stay — its very important to have a place to stay,” said Florence Koulouris, district manager for Community Board 1. “But is this really the right location? It’s a question that hasn’t been answered.” The city has also recently moved to enlist private developers to build part-affordable, part-market-rate housing on publicly owned sites in what it calls the “NextGen Neighborhoods” program. [LIC Post] — Ariel Stulberg –
Some shuffling going on here. Older buildings being sold, tenants tossed out. City give developers breaks to build new building built with higher rents, sudden spike in homelessness. The city pays $3,000 a month. Developers are fleecing the entire city.
you maybe correct especially since the city pays these hotel owners about $3,000.00 a month per family
Developers essentially rum for profit homeless shelters like the one at Pan Am or the one going into the Verve and then kick back money in the the form of contributions to politicians. One of Di Blasio’s biggest contributors runs homeless shelters
I hear Disney is thinking of building a theme park over the railway yards maybe this is why so many new hotels
Why Pat??? Because its 5 minutes from Manhattan!!! Duh!
Presuming others are stupid and you are not is usually a mistake. If your answer is too, too, too obvious, you are missing the question.
Only when 7 running
How could we possibly transport all those people back and forth over the bridge? Who is the crazy person letting people build all these hotels?
your counselman JVB
I hope the New Madison Square Garden moves to LIC….Do you think these Hotel chains know something we don’t?
Why do we need so many hotels in this family area ?????????????
..Something someone isn’t telling us ??????????????
businessmen need to meet with their mistresses
Why because It’s a lot cheaper then the hotels In Manhattan. Also the tourist will shop Sunnyside, Woodside. Etc. And eat at local restaurant.
shop where? In 99 cent stores? Those tourists just come to hotel to sleep and then they hop on #7 and are out for a day in the city.
Why build a hotel when AirBnB is a game changer?
When they fail, they will be turned into homeless shelters as two other hotels have already done.
what family area? no one lives there…no one