08-20-15 JOR to CB 2 re pending Conley FOIL requests…
Category: Opinion
Op-ed: Councilman Dromm Introduces Legislation Calling For Community Board Term Limits
By Council Member Daniel Dromm
Term limits are important to ensure democracy. That’s why I am proposing to limit community board members to serving six, two-year terms for a total of 12 years.
I recently introduced legislation,…
Opinion: Is Community Board 2 Transparent?
OPINION June 15, By John O’Reilly
During recent Community Board 2 meetings, the term “transparency” has been used with greater frequency to describe the Board and its various committees’ actions and functions. Is this description accurate? No. Community Board 2 fails to make important community information easily accessible and does not provide details about who sits on the Board and how its decisions are made.…
Op-Ed Sunday: Let’s Get Behind Vision Zero
OPINION May 4, John O’Reilly
The Sunnyside community, north, south, young, old, hip and unhip, must get fully involved and engaged with the Vision Zero Action Plan. This ambitious and historic effort launched in the opening days of the de Blasio administration and newly constituted City Council,…
Op Ed Sunday: Small Town in the Big City
By Rigoberto Cardoso and Patricia Dorfman
The inner workings of the Sunnyside Chamber of Commerce might seem irrelevant to some, but the organization’s health is more important to our future than one might think. The Chamber’s long-time slogan, “A small town in the big city” aptly suggests that we all are dependent upon each other in more ways than just business.…
Op-Ed Sunday: Speed Bumps & Cameras Needed Near 48th Avenue/43rd Street
April 6, By George Burles (OPINION PIECE)
On March 17, at the intersection of 48th Avenue and 43rd Street, two cars violently collided. One of them was sent spinning through the crosswalk where I was just walking, before slamming into two more cars on the other side of the street.…
Op-Ed Sunday: Film Crews in Sunnyside
Every Sunday, the Sunnysidepost will publish an Op-Ed written by a member of the community pertaining to a topic of interest. This week, a Sunnyside resident who works in the film industry responds to recent comments pertaining to an article about a tree branch that was knocked down by a film crew during the shooting of Blue Bloods.…
Daniel Dromm’s View on “Voting Rights”
NOTE: These are the opinions of the writer.
Councilman Daniel Dromm To the Editor: It is time for our evolving democracy to embrace voting rights in local elections for all residents. We are all stakeholders in our community and should have a say in important local issues.…
‘I Support the Islamic Center,’ Dromm Says
Letter to the editor: Councilman Daniel Dromm (District 25, which includes part of Woodside) As an openly gay man and progressive elected official, I am weary of anything that smacks of fundamentalism or other form of extremism. That is why I thought carefully about the reasons I support the Islamic Center.…