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Opinion: Sunnyside Rejects Hate, Cancel Saturday’s Pro-Police March

Queer Liberation March in Manhattan on June 28, 2020 (Photo: Emilia Decaudin)

CLARIFICATION: This is an opinion piece. The march is going ahead as scheduled.

Aug. 20, 2020 By Emilia Decaudin and Jesse Laymon –Opinion

We were disappointed and angered to read in the Queens Post this week of the plan by the 108th Police Community Council for a march through Sunnyside this coming Saturday.

As the newly elected Democratic District Leaders for Sunnyside and other parts of Long Island City, it is our responsibility to be aware of the sentiments of the voters in our neighborhood, and we can definitively say that our neighbors reject the hurtful symbolism of this planned march.

All political demonstrations such as marches are inherently symbolic actions—their literal slogans must be understood in the context of their time and place. And context can radically transform how we interpret a symbol.

A white dress can be innocuous attire; white dresses worn by dozens of Congresswomen are an unmistakable homage to the fight for suffrage. A hooded white robe can be a bathroom accessory; hooded white robes worn on horseback are an unmistakable threat of racist violence.

And in the context of the summer of 2020, a march by dozens of white residents through a city neighborhood “in support of our officers” must be interpreted as a thinly veiled embrace of the police killings of Black people across America.

No one who’s lived through the past four months should need an explainer on why police have been the focus of so much attention this summer.

Police in Minneapolis killed George Floyd. Police in Louisville killed Breonna Taylor. Police in Aurora killed Elijah McClain. After these and so many other horrific deaths at the hands of police across the nation, tens of thousands of citizens turned out to demonstrate against police violence. And in many cities, especially our own, police departments responded to these demonstrations with yet more violence—tear gas, body armor, billy clubs, and SUVs driven as weapons.

To organize a march now, given the context, in proud support of local police cannot be innocuous. This is not any ordinary year, and this march is not in observation of some annual police holiday or local tradition. Its symbolism is unmistakably clear: “we support police officers, even when they murder and maim.”

Perhaps the organizers of the march did not intend to be so blatantly hurtful and racist. Perhaps they’re out of touch with the events of 2020 or have been consuming only distorted right-wing media. Or perhaps they’ve internalized the twisted worldview of the bigot in the White House—whom the police union just endorsed this week—who promotes the false notion that wanton police violence is somehow helpful and justified.

If the 108th Police Community Council doesn’t intend to declare its support for the murder of Black people, there is still time for them to avoid doing so. Cancel Saturday’s march. And focus future events on how the local precinct can help the community, not how the community can condone the worst behaviors of police.

Emilia Decaudin and Jesse Laymon are the Democratic District Leaders for Assembly District 37, Part A, representing Dutch Kills, Ravenswood, parts of Long Island City, and Sunnyside.

Twitter: @EmiliaDecaudin and @JesseLaymon 

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Why do you assume all those supporting the police will be white? Sounds like you might be the racists.
I know you’re trying to sound intellectual but your argument is labored at best.

Patricia K.

Wow I marched on Saturday to support the NYPD. There were protestors who attempted to block our path and used bullying tactics. Some of the pro police supporters are the same people who volunteer at food pantries, have holiday parties for shelter children and raise money for charities in that very community where they rallied. They have a right to assemble and express their support for law enforcement who have been demonized. We will not be silenced!


If all cops are responsible for actions of a few, all protesters are arsonists, and all Muslims Re terrorists

They are protesting police murdering George Floyd by kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes while he screamed "I can't breathe"

Great, point, this is just about cops that murder, not all cops


All comunities need police.
Police right now is unfairly targeted & defunded.
So if dozens of “White residents” are marching pro-police, its their RIGHT under Constitution:freedom of expressiin.
The authors of this “opinion “ piece confuse the White race with racism sentiments, a vile , intentional “message” that is as racist as their sentiments.
White ppl can march without being called white supremacists.
Stop vilifying the White race.
White faulks are being hunted down/punched/kicked/killed on the streets of NY because of these hateful, racist rhetoric some democrats promote.


We have every right to protest like any other organization. Group, etc. If your a victim of a crime call Jimmy Van Bramers office instead of the NYPD and wait for his response time.

Patrick O’Toole

It’s not a march to celebrate black people being killed. It’s not about race. It’s about supporting the good, and brave men and women of our police forces.

John Wright

George Floyd with four otbers dressed as utility workers and forced entry into a womans house. Floyd shoved a gun into the womans stomach and robbed her. He pled guilty and was sentenced to 5yrs in prison. One of eight arrests.

Breonna Taylor was an EMT with no criminal record

…and the police murdered him by kneeling on his neck for 9 minutes while he screamed “I can’t breathe.” Is it suddenly ok to murder people with a criminal record? What a disgusting person you’d have to be to believe that.

Was it ok to murder Breonna Taylor? She was an EMS with no criminal record. The 20 shots unloaded in a no-knock warrant killed her. No evidence at the scene at all.


Floyd died of fentanyl overdose. Latest news to come out. However the cops use of force was not called for even though he did resist arrest and was yelling I can’t breathe the moment he got out of his car.


I absolutely support and is in full support of this move to cancel this planned march.


Generalize much, Cindy? wow, you must really live in a bubble. Please feel free to leave Queens and we are more accepting of differences than you are.

Daithi O'Clierigh

“a march by dozens of white residents through a city neighborhood”
Well how do you know they’re all white?

Probably because every pro-cop march ever has all been white?

There’s a picture if you scroll up. Do you see a lot of Puerto Ricans at these? lol

Probably because every pro-cop march ever has all been white?

And all the counter-marchers, cops, are white.
All the pro-cop marches have been all-white, there are photos all over the site.

How gullible can you be?


11 people in nyc were shot at last night and one died. The media spends about 10 seconds on it with no mention of victims and no description of suspects. Then they spend 5 min talking about the beautiful weather and another 5 minutes on gyms reopening. Seems like the media is now trying so hard to keep people from moving out of nyc. Practically begging young working people and families to stay while gun violence is taking place daily in mostly minority neighborhoods. Media though will take the time to name and discuss the karen who lost it at one of our local bagel and coffee shops.


I believe that most of the marchers if not all will commute from and be bused in from trump supporting and racist suburbs throughout the tristate area. They will be family members and friends of racists cops and will come here to spread hate and chaos in the worlds most diverse borough. I hope it gets cancelled. I hope local business refuse to serve them. Stores like starbucks should just close that day.


Stores should close? Why are BLM and Antifa rioters and looters planning on showing up? The stores know they won’t have any trouble from the people that show in support of the NYPD. Is BLM scheduling their riots in advance now?

Cindy you are clueless

You are out of your mind. Why would people from safe, quiet, clean and peaceful suburbs waste a Saturday afternoon to march in Queens.? They left a long time ago to get away from all of the crime, noise, filth and violence of the city.

Cindy open your eyes

People are losing their livelihoods, and you don’t want businesses to serve the marchers. Do you know that we are in the middle of a pandemic? You use the phrase diverse borough,I’m sure the marchers will reflect the diversity of Queens. Any business would be happy to serve them.

Gardens Watcher

Welcome to the most diverse borough of NYC. We cherish our First Amendment rights and respect the Human Rights laws of NY. Try reading about them. Who the hell are you to call for not only a cancellation of free speech, but a violation of NY law to deny service in a restaurant to ANY member of the public!


Cindy, if that’s all you have to contribute … it says a lot.
Please don’t ever call 911 for anything.
I wish the police could keep a database of people like you…


No need there’s plenty of cops and trump supports that live in the area !! Wake up and if you don’t like it move out

Steve Roberts

Cindy if you would have bothered to come to the starting point of the march , no buses no Trump signs just normal Sunnyside and Woodsiders who have lived in this neighborhood there whole lives such as my wife and myself. If you would have taken time to come and meet us and talk to us you would have learned a lot about your neighbors .


You do realize that BLM matter is premised upon people, most of them with lengthy criminal history that chose to escalate encounters with police to the point where physical force is necessary right? All these “martyrs” had to do was comply. Eric Garner simply had to comply and he’d be here today. Each of these BLM incidents is identical in that the behavior of the person being arrested simply had to comply. If you take the liberal sensationalism out of it then you’d understand. By the way, just remember that when you dial 911 it’s the police who are coming and not these perps you hold up as heroes in bizarre mission to make the police the bad guys.


Sounds like the two authors and leaders of this letter are trying to save the heart and soul of Sunnyside. Thank you. BLM.

Gardens Watcher

Decaudin has no idea what the “heart and soul” of Sunnyside is, having just moved to Queens in February. In her other race for state Democratic Committee member in our district, she beat out Corrine Haynes-Wood, a long-time community leader and black resident of Queensbridge Houses.

Laymon’s lived in Queens for 15+ years per his social media posts, but that’s Astoria, not Sunnyside.

Lowest common denominator

That’s unfortunately what you usually get in the comments section. It’s kind of like the online version of the guys who sit outside and wax poetic about how great things were when they were growing up, and how our city and society has only gone downhill since. The voicing of their opinions with the nodding agreement of their buddies allows the hate to ossify in their brains. The comments sections only serve to give them comfort that they’re not the only ones, so it’s no surprise they incorrectly leap think they’re the majority.

The real crying shame is when political bad actors in the form of community council and/or business chamber leaders, community board members, “confidential” conspiracy theorists, outsider candidates for political office, etc. try to tap into this hate for political gain. If there’s one thing this year in BLM has taught us, it is that privileged people need to make sacrifices and step out of their comfort zone for any real progress to be made. This march not only goes diametrically against that sense of solidarity, but it also empowers the racists, the white supremacists, and those who simply don’t want to give an inch, to go forth and more openly express their backwards views. That, in turn, leads to further division and social unrest. This march should be canceled.

Blue Lives Matter to decent people

You are simply intolerant of other opinions and viewpoints. Spare us the convoluted rationaluzations .

Only Blue Lives Matter?

I think All Lives Matter, including healthcare workers. It’s a shame you only think blue liver matter. Bigly sad!

Gardens Watcher

So what is the response? Formation of a Counter Protest, which will certainly lead to “further division and social unrest.”

Gardens Watcher

It’s a “real crying shame” that Bernie lost, but he did. Even he would agree the March should be allowed under the First Amendment.

Echo chamber!

This defund the police movement through BLM is from the United Nations to incorporate robot police who can scan your face and gather info from your online footprint! It’s minority report and robo cop combined! 80% of blacks demand human cops! No one wants to defund the police except the New World Order!


I would like to see reform and accountability in the police department. I wouldn’t want to defund because then crime would rise even more. And as of now Sunnyside crime is awful. But police officers need to do their job at making neighborhoods feel safer. For the women walking home at night, small local businesses, families at parks, kids, home owners, all people. As a minority and citizen I want to feel safe. I don’t want to be targeted and randomly stopped by police just because I’m Hispanic. That’s what the black community is facing and it’s terrible. These “Karen’s” in social media know their privilege and when they fake call the police in distress against a person of color, they know the police will take their word. If it wasn’t for video footage as proof, how else does a victim defend themself against this type of injustice? We have a broken system in our police department and our country. We need a system to hold bad cops accountable for their actions and training to be a cop needs a lot of reform as well. The justice system shouldn’t be failing minorities and people of color. I honestly don’t feel safe in this neighborhood anymore. I walk 10 minutes home from the bus after work and my biggest fear as a woman is that someone will follow me and assault me or rape me.
TLDR – We need police officers in our community but we need to fix the injustices the minorities face and hold bad cops accountable for their abuse in power.


This opinion piece is tone deaf to what is going on in the city. The Sunnyside post features articles but people hiring private security to protect their neighborhood in LIC, violent theft in Sunnyside and impact on 7 train due to vandalism.

The piece assumes that it’s a white March and deftly labels it as racist. What is the basis for this ?

The majority of officers in the NYPD are from minority backgrounds. Not sure too many racists will support that.

This article shows how out of touch are politicians are. Millions unemployed. In our neighborhood hundreds queue for food pantries so they don’t go hungry.

The governor and Mayor arbitrarily keep the city on a greater shutdown than the rest of the state.

Our same politicians who created this system now say they want to change it. But they have no clue how to reform the nypd, help the homeless of the streets. Time for change all around.


I guess whoever wrote this article is not actively engaged with the Sunnyside community because majority of the residents of Sunnyside are pro-police. I recommend no following this news feed anymore, thank you.


You work for the people…we will march if we say we march. You take your orders from us, not the other way around…you politicians seem to forget that!!!


Well its their opinion.We all know that opinions are like a certain bodypart.Everybody has one


For all of you who say this march is fully intended to support the nypd… i understand your intentions however during these changing and modern times we must be able to realize and understand the timing of certain events. during this pandemic we have witnessed the loss of innocence lives in the hands of people who have abused their authority and we have now gain the power and strength to speak against those who are unwilling to end the violence against people of color. i understand they’re are as many bad cops as there are good ones however how are we supposed to show our support to the NYPD if it allows the existence of bad cops. but how are we as people who depend on the police for protection supposed to take the time to identify if a cop is bad or good… if you have family who are apart of the nypd, then show your pride and support to them but you do not get the right to only pick and choose who is a good or bad cop when a persons life is involve. i also recognize that they risk their lives for their work but remember a person of color does not get paid with benefits for risking their life by just living in America. And i mean no offense by saying this but if you feel offended and you’re caucasian then you should check your privilege.

Gardens Watcher

No offense, but you need to check your ratios if you think it’s 50/50 good cops to bad cops.


What makes anyone think that this march is in support of bad police behavior??? Rather it is in support of the many men and women who put their lives at risk so that you and your families can sleep safe at night and enjoy life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness. The marchers will be people of various racial backgrounds, financial means and religious affiliations. They appreciate the job the good police officers do. As Democrats….I don’t understand your lack of understanding for people who may express a difference of opinion from yours. I have voted democratic and Republican. Isn’t the wise thing to do to effectively make changes for both sides to listen and find ways to find a middle ground . I think it was wonderful that common folks from all walks of life want to show their appreciation . This is a bipartisan march and should not be hindered or stopped. Let’s allow Sunnyside to have their say. God bless all

Free speech for me, not for thee

Scratch a liberal and you will find a paranoid Stalinist, totalitarian tyrant who cannot accept the fact that there are people out there who don’t completely agree 100% with them.

Their immediate instinct is to silence and punish anyone who doesn’t rigidly adhere to the party line.

The next step is gulags for their political opponents.

I credit Sunnyside Post for presenting dissenting views to this revealing editorial.

Trump issued an executive order to shutdown Twitter over one Tweet

That offends you too right? You’re not just pretending to care about free speech?

What a sad hypocrite.

It was widely covered in the news, you're REALLY out of the loop.

Trump issued an executive order to shutdown Twitter over one Tweet. You can google it.
That’s definitely not censorship right?

What a sad hypocrite.


I am a person who protested for social justice and will also support the law enforcement this Saturday. This is not about choosing sides . The fact that our newly elected leaders are telling us to pick sides is disgraceful. The healing of police and community relationships begins with each of us.

liberalism, killing cities one at a time

So called peaceful protesters went down bedford and smashed up whole foods and the apple store. I have no respect for their hate and violence. Stop the evil ones who cause hate and violence! support the police!


They need to be supported!? THAT’S WHAT THEIR PAYCHECKS ARE FOR.

Honestly though, 108 never shows up when called or they show up hours late with bad attitudes. If I half assed my job I’d be shown the door.

Let them march

In the fifth paragraph it mentions a march by white residents. How does the person saying this know that it will only be white people marching. News flash, black people want more police presence in their neighborhoods.Whites in Sunnyside are a minority.


I totally and vehemently disagree with these so-called district leaders. If they only knew their constituents they would be praising this intent to march in support of the NYPD.


I still believe to this day that If you support the police right now you are racist. It’s a fact that thousands of police officers broke the law to arrest, intimidate and abuse their powers against the black community. Until white people understand this the abuses will continue. For them to not understand BLM and why we protest is called insensitivity. This is done out of ignorance. If you refuse to understand BLM, because of ignorance, you’re a racist. I support police work that is lawful. I will support those officers. But right now, a bigger voice has washed over this land and it’s the voice of anyone who has been abused by police.

Mickey Bitzco

District leaders who don’t care about the people in the district God forbid people support the police. It’s individuals like these two or allowing New York City to go into the toilet New York is dying and people like them are killing it


I’ll support the police when they start turning in the rotten, corrupt and racist monsters that they work with. It’s a shame so many cops fear being labeled as ‘rats’ for doing the right thing. In the end, as they are enabling this brutality, they too are complicit through their silence. The recent uptick in crime is partly due to a work slow down. Woe is me, my feelings are hurt, so i’m not going to do my job to make them pay for all those kean things they said! Man up, Officer Snowflake. Now do your job, which is to protect and serve the community, that starts with holding your fellow officers accountable when you see wrongdoing.


It’s not and the two Democrat Party leaders who wrote this know it’s not. They’re just lying and trying to incite violence against citizens exercising their 1st Amendment rights who they disagree with.


The police support donald trump who is the biggest criminal in the country. You people arent concerned with criminals you just want to shit on poor black people because it gives you a false sense of bigness. If you would agree to reform the police department people wouldnt need to March. If you called for accountability people would trust the police. Nobody, I repeat, nobody has ever uttered the phrase “fuck the Firemen” because fire men do their damn jobs and save lives. Tell the nypd do your job and we’ll be good. #protectandserve


The firefighters’ primary job is to put out fires and be medical first responders. The police officers primary job is to prevent and respond to crimes. This brings them into conflict with criminals and those that support or otherwise make excuses for criminals.


“The police support Donald Trump.” There are a couple of things wrong with your first sentence. First, you say that ALL police officers support Donald Trump. Painting with a pretty broad brush. I think assuming ALL is clearly not a fair statement. What if I said, ALL black people …….? Would that be fair? Second, I have been a supporter or ALL of our Presidents. I may not agree with all of their policies but I support them as an American. I can’t seem to think that supporting your President would be a bad thing. Now. How would you reform a Police Department? I am so sick and tired of hearing so many people say it but not have any specifics. What are you reforming? Police departments enforce laws. If you have a problem with a law, take it up with your politicians. Finally, the correlation between the FDNY and the NYPD is ridiculous.

Concerned Citizen

Then why are they attacking fire fighters and EMTs who come to help people assaulted during “peaceful protests”


So it’s ok if there are other marches and protests? Just the ones you want though? Did anyone call to cancel the BLM marches throughout our neighborhood even if they disagreed? No, because it’s called FIRST AMENDMENT RIGHTS


yes . the cops stopped the marches… they prevented the march to cross into manhattan


No they didn’t, they were never planned to go into the city. I guess you don’t live here


March without a permit and try to block traffic? You should be stopped and put through the system.


They were enforcing the curfew put in place by our mayor (as lousy as he is). Protestors seem to think they are above the law. Queens is quickly going downhill and we need them more than ever. We live in the most diverse borough so stop letting politicians divide us for their own agendas.

JJ Moyn

Wake up Sunnyside, if BLM wanted to match in Sunnyside they would just do it!! You’re showing hate for Pro Police, so where is the rejection of Hate? Hypocrites!!! Pro police supporters please do it anyway!!!!

Believe Both

This is a country in which black lives matter, and police should be respected. The two are not mutually exclusive.


What is wrong with these people? They dont want to support our police? They want all these criminals to be able to do what ever they want. It is just extremely ignorant! And when they need a cop I hope they dont show up for them It will serve them right


they already took 45 min to respond to call before quarantine… you’d be better off trying to save yourself . #defundthepolice

Brad Morris

Couldn’t agree more. Much better and more moral to support black lives matter thugs and terrorists, than support law enforcement.


Lumping black lives matter in with “thugs” and “terrorists” is so ignorant that it’s laughable.

Bill R

Fortunately people are waking up to the fact that liberalism is a form of mental illness. Let’s continue to hope for a vaccine.

Kathy let me get this straight..You cant have a peaceful march to show our men & women in blue who protect us & sacrifice thier lives everyday..But you CAN in fact have terrorist thugs rioting & looting in the streets..WOW..

Tenement Dweller

it seems to me that the sunnyside post is hiding behind a shield of p.c. by posting this opinion piece. As if injecting enough subjectivity into their article announcing this march wasnt enough, they seem to feel the need to pander to those who are outraged by those who protect this neighborhood. This isnt a racial issue anymore, this is a matter of escalating violent crime rates and feeling safe when you walk out your door to attempt some semblance of normal life in these strange times. I am sure that the NYPD members themselves feel demoralized enough by de-funding and anti-police sentiments. This is about protecting the future of our city instead of allowing it to slip into the grasps of the emotionally outraged few, and the politicians who pander to them in hopes of gaining more power for to implement their own version of a fascist structure for governing. I encourage everybody to wake up and question what is happening around you. what would you wish for the future of this city, which your children will eventually be forced to navigate?

So much hate

You must be one of them libs who just hate on everything. You’d hate it if they didn’t write anything about it and b**** about it too when they do. Sunnyside Post covers local news- read it, don’t read it. They’re doing their job and I don’t see much hiding behind “shields of PC’ here except for commenters like you.

Bye bye Sunnyside

Vote at the box or vote with your feet! I left sunnyside, was going to hell in a hand basket. Panhandlers on queens blvd. Shootings, stabbings & rapes on Greenpoint Ave. Daytime gun point robberies in small businesses. It’s like a bad movie. The plot is anarchy & the stort is being written by the dems.


Why is law enforcement synonymous with white men? all the shootings that have taken place in this City the past few months have been perpetrated by people of color against people of color. If any group of people should support the police it should be people of color since they are the victims. Problem is….politicians need to play good people against each other in order to get elected. Without “white racists” how would Al Sharpton and his ilk pay the bills? The so called “social warriors” have done nothing to improve the lives of the people they claim to represent.


Am I the only one who is concerned by the fact that two elected officials are using their positions to call for the cancellation of something that is protected by the First Amendment of the US Constitution? If these two are simply ignorant to constitutional rights, it’s scary enough. If they know exactly what they’re doing, it’s even scarier.

Ray Garcia

Of course the protests across the city from March until today that have led to police being physically attacked, their vehicles torched, neighborhood stores looted and ransacked some never to open again and fires set on our streets is certainly meant to bring peace to everyone in our city, state and across America. Your movement projects hate more than any Pro-Police march ever could.

James dillon

When I grew up here this was the most famous Irish ghetto in America. Shea grew up on 42nd Street. Settlers should have to read history before they spew hate. Remember the paddy wagon.


I think Inwood, Bainbridge and many towns in Massachusetts would claim that title before Sunnyside. Even Woodside, up the road was much more of an Irish stronghold than Sunnyside ever was.


These so-called “leaders” should know the meaning of the word hate since they hate the police – the majority of whom are good – and seem to embrace the disgusting rhetoric and theatrics coming from BLM demonstrators that I personally witnessed in NYC a short time ago. Shooting and murders are up and all these two can say is “hate the police”. I have some advice for these two “leaders”: if you don’t want to be “shot” by the police, don’t resist arrest, don’t hang out with drug dealers and don’t try to steal away a police officer’s weapon.

Gardens Watcher

The 108th Police Community Council has been around way longer than these two newly elected district leaders. 21-year-old Decaudin was just a babe on 9/11/2001, and grew up in Westchester, so does not remember firsthand what the police did for our city on that horrendous day. New Yorkers will never forget.

Please don’t insult our intelligence by saying this event “must be interpreted as a thinly veiled embrace of the police killings of Black people across America,” because it isn’t. And you both, as district leaders, should know better than to spew that garbage.

We have a First Amendment, which protects free speech. I’m a liberal Democrat, as are many long-time Sunnysiders, and have been in my share of protests and marches in NYC, Albany and DC. I reject your call to cancel this march. That is both ridiculous and dangerous to Democracy.


Did Breonna Taylor hang out with drug dealers, resist arrest or take an officers gun? NOPE! And look, she was shot dead.

Star and Stripes 4Ever

The ones spewing the most hatred and bigotry are the authors of this lamentable but sadly predictble left-wing circle wank.

Accusing others of what you yourself do is textbook sociopathic behaviour. This goes well beyond the usual virtue signaling.

Donald James

Emilia Decaudin and Jesse Laymon are liberal hate mongers. When the times comes that experience a major crime, hopefully they will reconsider their anti-police, anti-white bias.

Mary Martin

You young people have no clue what you’re asking for. W/O cops rapes & murders will rise. Back to the 60s thru 80s. We couldn’t be out alone at night. It was horrible.

change that you can(t) believe in

Just a few questions Emilia and Jesse.
How long have both of you lived in the neighborhood that your represent?
Are either of you financially invested in the neighborhood that your represent? ie do you own your own home?
Have either of you or your families ever had to call the police for an emergency?
Do you know more black people are killed by black people than law enforcement?
And if you are going to paint all police officers with the same brush then you dont mind if white people paint all black people with the same brush either,right?


You aren’t serious right? every race has its own crime statistics but by you involving black on black crimes in your “argument” then YOU are completely dissmissing the existence of racism and PRIVILEGE held by these officers that are most of the time not even convicted for these crimes! the nypd has a history with abusing their power in order to incarcerate people of color and the sooner you and the representatives of nyc start realize that, the sooner we can take the steps to a life where there are no good and bad cops, a child doesn’t have to find out that there parent died or was convicted for a crime because of the color of their skin. If you are more worried about the “hurtful” things being said to police officers because of their JOB than the violence being experienced by people because of the color of their SKIN then you should probably starting educating yourself and checking your privilege.

Gardens Watcher

As for residency, per article in City and State 7/22/20:

“Decaudin became the first openly trans, and the youngest, member of the state Democratic Committee, representing the 94th Assembly District in Westchester. (She won the position in 2018 at the age of 19 and came out in the summer of 2019).

She grew up in Yorktown, but attends City College of New York and moved to Queens in February.

She is still a member of the state committee, although she no longer lives in Westchester and was therefore unable to run for reelection for that seat. State and county committee positions are up for election every two years, on the same schedule as the state Legislature.”


I voted for E. But I was hoping E. would be focusing more on cancelling RENT! And not calling attention to marches that a handful of people will attend by stereotyping and labeling them all as racists whites.


Wow Jill……you voted for her to have your rent cancelled? Sorry she let you down and thwarted your attempt to steal money from the landlord you promised to pay every month.


Very well said. There is no room for more hatred masked in the innocent veil of “streets for all” or “our cops.” Enough already. Whether or not they realize it, the organizers empower the wrong kinds of people to go out and literally shout hatred at their neighbors on the street because they think they’re backed by their community. They are certainly not! This is an anti-BLM dog whistle, nothing more, nothing less.


BLM is a communist dog whistle, nothing more, nothing less. It was founded by and is run by self avowed Marxists.


The organizers empower the wrong kind of people…?
Did you write anything criticizing BLM organizers that empowered people to loot, steel and destroy personal property? No, you didn’t because you know that a small minority shouldn’t detract from your he majority.
Same as here…right?
Or can we not use the same logic?
That a small group of outliers shouldn’t paint a brush on a larger group?


I was supposed to be working Saturday and would be unable to attend the march. I’ll be taking the day off so I can attend. The Democratic Party has lost its collective mind.

Law-abiding citizen

Support the police. It’s the decent, patriotic thing to do. Take your radical, marxist, hateful, pro-criminal garbage and shove it.


i’ve read the opinion piece and the comments. I’m encouraged to see that the overwhelming majority commenting support the march and the police. In fact one of the few supporting the piece signed as anonymous. Why are they hiding? Perhaps the silent majority is finding its’ voice?


A lesson to learn. Anonymity does not mean you are hiding. It means you are wise enough to share your opinion without seeking attention or public acceptance.


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