A smashed library screen at Grand Army Plaza in Brooklyn (Rhododendrites / CC BY-SA)
June 2, 2020 By Allie Griffin
New York City will have another curfew tonight — but three hours earlier than Monday’s after looters smashed store windows and stole pricey items for a second day in a row.
Mayor Bill de Blasio announced last night that New Yorkers must be off city streets by 8 p.m. Tuesday.
“I’ve spoken with [NYPD] Commissioner Shea and we’ve decided there should be a curfew again … and we want to extend that curfew beginning at 8:00 PM,” de Blasio said.
Organized groups of looters used crowbars and other items to smash windows of storefronts along 5th Avenue following a peaceful protest against police brutality and the killing of George Floyd, a black man, at the hands of a white Minneapolis officer.
The looters broke into Best Buy, Nike, Aldo Microsoft, Michael Kors and Nintendo stores in Rockefeller Center before Monday’s 11 p.m. curfew, according to the New York Post.
The night earlier, people tore down boards and smashed the glass of high-end stores, like Chanel, in Soho — which prompted yesterday’s original curfew.
The chaos that repeated last night is what prompted the mayor to make tonight’s curfew earlier — and before dark.
“The idea of going to 8:00 PM is it’s still light out,” de Blasio told NY1. “And that’s really what we saw this evening and last night, is when it got dark is when people attempted to do this kind of activity.”
Police officers will also be working 12-hour shifts to keep the NYPD presence high.
“We just will not accept this kind of criminal activity in New York City,” de Blasio said.
Essential workers, members of the media and people in need of emergency medical help are exempt from the curfew.
@Jake- Almost all of the posts supporting Trump are one guy with multiple posting tags.
@ Sunny You mean Thor Bless. Nice job with the autoclicker by the way. 885 real people actually read your post? Nah.
For all you pinheads who voted for a “progressive” mayor….
Here’s your “progress.”
Progressive Governors and Mayors were arresting and summonsing people who were attending church and trying to partially open their businesses to keep their families from financial collapse, but they give space and make the police stand down to rioting mobs of looters and anarchists….well at least the liquor stores and the abortion clinics were allowed to stay open!!
Wow that deblasio did a great job protecting us and our property after lecturing us about corona virus ! Now we see what a farce this lockdown has been
New York leadership
Stinks and because of Cuomo bail
Reform many of the looters already free
Didn’t act on the info he had in January.
Like you pointed out: this means LOTS of dead Americans and a very bad situation in NYC.
Trump wiping out the economy and the all-time high unemployment have people doing desperate things. De Blaz where are you?!
This article did not mention that the curfew from 8pm until 5am will be in effect until 5am June 8. Welcome to real lock-down. Did you all hear the police cars with loud-speakers directing people off the streets this evening?
I am sorta still wonder what is being protested and what is being rioted. Seems like overlapping and different causes at the same time.
Are you ANTIFA Jake?
Barely anyone knew who Antifa was before the president bigly advertised them.
Now their ranks have SKYROCKETED in size. It’s encouraging to see Americans reject fascism. A tiny, tiny organization is now a nationally-known household name.
Its Jake the Fake thank you libtard for destroying the city.
It’s a shame opportunists take advantage of important causes.
What a nightmare. A feckless mayor who should resign, but the replacement options are worse.
Get the city under control now!
This is the REAL VIRUS and we have no leadership in NYC. DeBlasio is a disaster and Cuomo is a granny killer. I hear almost no condemnation of the thugs and looters destroying businesses and attacking police and robbing people in the street. Shame on the leader of New York.
Actually the pandemic that killed 100k Americans and counting is the virus.
You think people looting Saks Fifth is worse than that. Disgusting. You’re rambling about nursing home or something?
> I hear almost no condemnation of the thugs and looters
They’ve been universally condemned. WOW you’re out of the loop.
Considering how many trump supporters frequent this site, it doesn’t surprise me to read the idiocy posted here. I think what many seem to want is a police state, and to control the hundreds of looters and protesters would require violence not seen in this country since the civil rights movement. Which is exactly what the idiot in chief wants. More chaos, more violence, more destruction of people and property. And nobody even mentions instigators, or piles of bricks at protest sites, and guys dressed in black with a umbrella on a sunny day breaking storefronts and then walking away. Half these people are actually pissed off at law enforcement for being violent, racial profiling twits, and the only recourse is to make a statement. Others take advantage, and others are just criminals. Most right wingers want to make the two the same. They are not, but it works to stir those that are paranoid about minorities and people of color by labeling them “thugs.”
Worst coronavirus outbreak response in any major US city coupled by a lack of desire to protect people and small business owners from rioting gives you the worst leadership in New York City’s entire history. What a disappointing failure of leadership.
Wow – that first curfew was EFFECTIVE! DeBlasio is such a great mayor wow!
Coumo’s legacy is being negatively impacted by Di Blasio’s blunders. Cuomo needs to remove him.
It will be much more peaceful tonight. The looters are walking around with their new sneakers and have more than enough alcohol to last them a couple of days.
Don’t confuse rioters with protesters.
What happened to Coronavirus? The governor was obsessed with having the state locked, and now…the looters running free, big crowds …the virus must be very well politically trained.
For many, so-called peaceful protests are just the prelude to the main show – looting, vandalism, and violence. We know its not only career criminals and organized groups trying to instigate what is happening. Many are New Yorker’s out there committing these crimes. Pay attention to what is happening in places like the Bronx where you see young adults breaking into small pop and pop stores like the liquor, sneaker and phones stores knowing they will not be stopped. Don’t be naive to believe how things appear on the surface.
Looters are just parading around and using Big Floyd’s death as an excuse to get themselves a gucci bag. This is comedy gold.
I think the safest place to be during the riots is an employment center.
One mans death is another mans flat screen.
Governor says that the Mayor is doing a terrible job policing NYC in terms of the riots and looting and then when pressured by the media as to why he is not sending state police and guards to help NYC he says that NYPD can handle it. He is also playing politics by trying to appeal to upstate and downstate NY. You can’t begin by making such harsh statements about what happened last night and then say the NYPD can handle it.
It will over soon since most stores are boarding up windows and doors and lots of stuff has been stolen. Then the Mayor will praise himself and investigate if certain groups were targeted and attested. NYC is a circus. Lets release more criminals.
Cuomo and DeBlasio have failed miserably both in response to COVID-19 and especially in this case. They are failing to protect the lives, property, and right to live in peace of law-abiding citizens and are instead coddling special-interest groups. Whatever happened to “no gatherings of more than 10 people?” Why are these protests even allowed, considering COVID? This stopped being about George Floyd almost immediately.
Cuomo and DeBlasio should both resign.
I thought public gatherings were not allowed. People were ticketed for not social distancing and fined for trying to open up business and selling tamales. I guess the governor and mayor no longer care if the protestors to get corona virus. The law abiding citizens are suffering. Might as well open up NYC already.
They need to open more streets to pedestrians so people have a place to run home from the violence and get home before the curfew.
Whats the point in arresting. We have leaders promising to help pay lawyers and still encouraging people to come out and protest. Many people do not understand the difference between protesting and rioting. Its been close to a week and many public gatherings are turning into criminal activity. No one is stopping them. Stop sending mixed messages. Mayor is saying the protests were peaceful in the begining which is a lie. He is also saying that our protesters are not against the police. Speak the truth for once please. Sugar coating is not helping.
Many in the main media are not painting a real picture of whats going on. You have to check social media and live streamers to get a full picture of what is going on. People are looting, rioting, setting fires, harassing people and cops to much bigger level that what is being shown. The majority of looters and rioters look like public housing thugz but media is often focusing on the those that do not fit that description to air. Trying to blame white supremacists and antifa.
This is not abiut George Floyd anymore. This is opportunistic thievery, vandalism and violence masquerading as social justice. Time to start shooting looters.
In Virginia, rioters burned a home with children in it then blocked the fire trucks from getting to it. In Vegas, a rioter shit a cop in the back of the head. That is evil, pure and simple.
Talk about unhinged!
The president did the same, said the racist dog whistle referring to “Bull” Connor, the segregationist public safety commissioner in Birmingham, AL.
Segregationist presidential candidate George Wallace also used the phrase during the 1968 campaign.
….and that’s who you’re supporting. Yikes.
I own a home and seriously thinking of selling and moving out. So glad my children and grandchildren live and purchased homes elsewhere. The stress is unbearable in this city.
Thank you to all the Socialists who empowered the mobs of looters who have just decided the election in my favor…I honestly didn’t think the election would be over before 4th of July…I would also like to thank Joe Biden for not even bothering to run…but I can’t find him…see you all at the inauguration!!
Let’s teargas and assault peaceful protestors for a picture of me holding a bible. An act the Catholic archbishop of Washington called “baffling and reprehensible.”
The protestors and NYPD need to make dance and song videos like the healthcare workers. That will help lots.