46th Street (btw. Skillman and 39th Avenue)
Jan. 27, 2017 By Hannah Wulkan
A woman was beaten and robbed in the heart of Sunnyside yesterday.
The victim, a 54-year-old woman, reported that she was walking south on 46th Street between 39th Avenue and Skillman Avenue around 6:35 a.m. when an unknown man grabbed her from behind, according to police.
The suspect allegedly threw the woman to the ground and punched her in the face multiple times, before stealing her purse and fleeing east on Skillman Avenue.
He made off with her brown purse, which held around $200 in cash, her bank and credit cards, and her iPhone 6.
The woman went to Mount Sinai hospital in stable condition, with lacerations to her cheek, eye and lip and a black eye.
The suspect is described as a 5-foot-7 black man between 20 and 30 years old with a medium build.
Police have not made any arrests and the investigation is still ongoing.
Anyone with information in regards to this incident is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477).
And this is precisely why we moved out of Sunnyside and never looked back. It’s a great neighborhood and has the potential to really grow as a community and become a truly desirable area to live. But crimes like these, along with the break-ins, thefts, vandalism, and general disregard for the well being of the community led us to look elsewhere. I hate to say it, especially on this board, but moving out of Sunnyside was one of the best decisions we’ve ever made. I do not miss it.
you must miss it fred if you keep abreast of whats happening by viewing SSP?
so how is that hopey changey new neighbourhood working out for ya?
Ohhhhh – GROW UP everybody. Stop the bickering and cussing and learn to respect each other. This all started because a woman who was beaten and robbed and her belongings stolen on her way to work. One thing you should know is that Sunnysiders do not beat up and rob other Sunnysiders. They come from outside the area and are mostly black men. Plain and simple. It’s an education, immigration and also a cultural problem. Baring that, these thugs should be put in jail for 50 years no matter how big or small the crime, or, life without any parole if a life was taken. I guarantee people are going to be safe, and we would not be in need of more police to watch over us.
Maybe they should include a satellite outpost of the 108 into the building plans for the new school going up on 48th St.?
Mac and joe at the Berkley were recently engaged. Congratulations
-anonymous FYI Joe at Berkley passed away in December. The notices were hung in the Kettle and VFW.
Smelly- you make a good point about the cost of living here, its not worth what is being charged for rentals or purchase but crime is everywhere. Also pay mac no mind hes an idiot who has to attack every one who has an opinion. If you dont like a comment, debate it, dont verbally attack someone. He also posts in the astoria and jackson heights posts. He definitely needs a job or something. Go to a gym, volunteer at a soup kitchen ,do something but sit around and play keyboard killer
My son hangs out with a rough group. I wouldnt be surprised if it was one of them after a nite of video games, malt liquor, K2 blunts and white castle
He must have been a hipster!
And if you think i would live on the ss, you got the wrong guy ,id never live there. Its a ghetto.
Mac-at least i dont live in my daddys basement, and as far as cutting it here, ill buy and sell you you creep. My point is why pay for crap, or to live with crap-like you. Of course you read previous post. Thats all you do is read posts loser. This is what your life consists of. Looooser!
-smelly No, my life consist of hunting emotional losers like you down and exposing you for the phonies you are. If you can’t afford parking you’re not buying and selling anyone.
All our politicians are either talking to a wall with a camera in it in Astoria, or at the airport trying to help ILLEGALS enter nyc. America First! Sunnyside First!
All our politicians are either standing in front of a wall with a camera in it repeating a mantra in astoria, or at the airport trying to help ILLEAGALS get into Nyc.
America first! Sunnyside first!
Van Bramer is hosting self-defense class for women, to help them protect themselves from trump bully attacks
I didn’t read the article or any of the comments, but I’m compelled to contribute. I hope to be an inspiration to all the little children out there studying this.
Has anyone seen the tall bald white man that wears a black top hat, platform shoes, and wears frightening jewelery? Or how about the elderly twin men that walk n’sync? I have.
That is all. Let’s all pray for the elderly people working at the newly renovated Burger King Home of the Whopper.
Amen. We love most of you so much. Amen.
These are the top tier neighborhoods in this part of queens. -L.i.c. , astoria, jackson heights, forest hills, are tops. Then 2nd tier neighborhoods , sunnyside ,woodside, east elmhurst, corona. Top tier places are so much better areas to live. People who have property over in sunnyside got lucky with the real estate boom. Otherwise ss sucks. Good for you people who got the property cheap years ago and will profit now, sell high ,take the money and run to a better neighborhood. Get out of smellyside
Smelly- You’re just bitter because you couldn’t afford parking here in Sunnyside. You’re substandard and had to live way down on the south side by the LIE. You lived at the top of the bottom and you’re bitter about it. I’ve read your previous posts to this blog. Just move on loser you couldn’t cut it here.
Why do you have to always refer to these criminals as a black man? Why not just as 5’7″ human being? It sounds as if all criminals are black. Very racist.
-DL Because white, black, Asian, Hispanic, Native American, man, woman etc. are descriptive designations and help in the identifying process and process of elimination. Your way of describing the perp is ridiculous and would nevr sift and narrow the universe of humans down to the perp by using a process of elimination. Why look at an Asian female and waste time when it’s totally not necessary when we know this information already in our initial description of the criminal. Are you for real?
True, Dorothy, we should do that. Just describe the individual as they are not on skin color. But also remove any mention of color on quotas for college/sports scholarships/government jobs/private jobs/housing/ welfare.etc. you see Dorothy it’s the African community that want to be labeled by color as an identification so we can’t deviate from the norm now can we?
No good lowlife animals are ruining all our neighborhoods, not just sunnyside.
Sunnyside has had slot of crime since the 80s. Especially the southside of q.b. Way too much crime. This happens more and more around here. Ripoff to live here too . Time to move out of this jungle
The criminal was caught yesterday strangling another woman in Brooklyn. Authorities were able to retrieve the belongings of the victim in Sunnyside.
Is this true? We need a follow-up, Sunnyside Post.
Great police work.
There was also a car up on blocks with tires stolen at corner of 39th Ave and 46th st a few days ago. Not a good sign. We need a neighborhood watch.
how come sunnyside post never reported that —
May the physical pain and emotional scars heal very quickly. The emotional scars can last all your life. I know.
Rents are way up…area supposed to be the new Williamsburg…I moved from Sunnyside because at 11 in the morning someone tried to attack me ..location is not everything when you don’t feel safe…and there is No police presence. I now live in Forest Hills 22 minutes to the city.
Williamsburg has higher crime rate than Sunnyside.
No kidding?..Do you think it might be because it borders Bushwick and is a stones throw from Bed Stuy?..Keep watching CNN and cartoons simpleton!
-NCNJ Mac is just pointing out a fact you insecure piece of garbage. You also forgot to add Williamsburg is loaded with housing projects. Typical of you either you post lies distortions or half of a fact. You’re a moron.
So you are suggesting that Williamsburg has more crime because of housing projects?..Whose the racist here?
its nice that you keep up with whats going on in your old neighborhood though, you probably miss it
About three years ago I was BS-ing with this kid one night in a now closed Queens Boulevard pub. The kid was from Corona and liked to party in Sunnyside. He told me this story about two absolute thugs he knows from the neighborhood who saw all the hype in the papers about being the New Williamsburg and then rented an apartment with the specific purpose of ripping off the neighborhood. Remember the rash of break in a few years ago ? I’d bet dollars to donuts it was them or other losers who followed the same strategy. Announce a neighborhood is gentrifying and the criminals come to where the money is. You would thing the one-oh-eight would be doing more to stop it. Or JVB would be actively engaging with them to make sure its under control.
This is why nobody ever has the right to prevent law abiding citizens from defending themselves (i.e. – gun control). That means nobody ever should question who and why people want to carry guns. If everyone was walking around with a six-shooter on their hip, I guarantee that violent crime would be minimal (and the FBI has the data statistics to prove this). Criminals would have second thoughts of robbing old ladies if the possibility of them getting shot and killed was highly probable. We would all be holding doors, and saying please and thank you, as members of civilized society.
What if the criminal had stolen her gun and used it on her? You gun enthusiast always under estimate the element of surprise in these cases. Real life is much different than movies and video games.
Facts first-
1. Stop being a dumb liberal.
2. If someone knows that person is carrying a gun, they’re less likely to approach. Plus, if they also know those in the houses on the street are loaded, then they would be less inclined to commit a crime because they’re outnumbered. Criminals are dumb but not that dumb. They look for easy targets and quick getaways. They won’t be going into a war zone.
Hello- You’re the one who is dumb and devoid of facts and statistics.
Fact 1- According to the FBI statistics all the states with the highest crime both petty and violent are all states with liberal gun laws like Mississippi, Arkansas, Tennessee, Arkansas and Florida.
According to your childish twisted logic all these places would be crime free. As for a gun protecting people and preventing a peson from perpetrating a crime ask the guy who tried to thawt the jewelry heist last week in San Antonio with his gun was murder by the perps. Real life is not vide games and the movies. Grow up before you get hurt fool.
Chicago has strict gun laws and look at the crime rate there.
Most shootings occur in gun free zones… schools, movie theaters, malls.
But go on, keep believing what mainstream media is telling you.
Hello- Try to stay focused imbecile. The topic is about allowing everyone a right to carry which was the topic you brought up fool.
Retired, do you have a concealed carry permit?
This is precisely why we live in a completely f*cked up world. You have absolutely zero common sense. And whatever sense you have is blurred and distorted by your ideology.
People would also be shooting each other in the dark by mistake; children would be ‘playing’ with unsecured guns and killing their siblings by mistake; men threatening partners would include guns in their threats and sometimes use them. It is challenging for highly trained police officers, who renew training every year, to accurately shoot a criminal, without hitting fellow officers or civilians. Use of guns requires great judgment and skill. Your fantasy of everyone being armed is just that – the Wild West.
The NRA started out as an educational organization to teach people how to safely use firearms.
The NRA is now a marketing strategy firm to sell as many guns possible.
Hey DoMo:
Looks like they failed.
No! Because guns wouldn’t be left unsecured. Obviously there would be safety courses when owning a gun.
You go on and wait for that 911 dispatcher to let police know you need help. Good luck waiting for them to respond.
-hello What do you mean guns won’t be left unsecured? Theyre left unsecured now to the tune of hundreds of children being wounded, maimed and killed a year. Fact.
Remember, common sense doesn’t work in this upside down retarded city.
Yes!!!! My thoughts exactly! Liberal NYC believes in and protects the criminals; Not law abiding citizens.
Hello- Move yourself to low wage Texas and put your money where your mouth is Mr. republican.
I’m good, thanks! Born and raised here unlike many now living in Sunnyside.
With the new trash, comes the crime.
I’m part of the new trash. I moved here 10 years ago. Forget the fact that my grandparents emigrated to th e U.S. in the in the early 1900’s. Both my parents grew up in tenements on the lower east side and I grew up in Queens until I was 10.What makes u think u r better than others because u grew up here? Get over yourself! This is a diverse community and I love it! U all want to carry guns u will b shooting each other left and right. Queens is one of the most diverse communities in the 5 boroughs. Crime is everywhere, and unfortunately it’s come to a neighborhood that I moved to because I too also felt safe.The only time I c police is when they get their cup of coffee late afternoon at Starbucks. And the Anonymous,who posted about attacking old ladies 54 is not old. This is a horrible crime that could have happened to any one of us, this should be the communities concern and what can be done about preventing further crimes like this. The nation is protesting what Trump is doing to divide this country. You would think a small town like Sunnyside could get together and support each other to find a solution to help stop the crime, instead of fighting and calling each other names.
I guess Mac took that JVB self defense class and is starting to feel his oats..congratulations on Mac’s 50 years in Sunnyside…Amazing accomplishment to still be living with his mother in a rent controlled apartment..
-no camera (Rocky, Pearl etc…) Eat your heart out loser. All you have is this blog. Pathetic!!!!
Mac- Don’t forget that idiot also has mother jones, Fox News and Slob Limbaugh.
Sucks when stereotypes are consistently reinforced. Not a good look.
Sunnyside is horrible. Pay 2000 a month for a dump 1 bedroom and you have to run home so you dont get robbed.
Well, then. Don’t live here!
you can always move to Jamaica in queens. It’s much safer there and the rents are cheaper.
I never have been scared of getting robbed in Sunnyside and I’ve been living here and walking home alone and hanging out at night since i was a 6th grader. The neighborhood is an amazing place don’t hate the whole neighborhood just because you live in a 1 bedroom apartment(I lived in a 1 bedroom apartment too)
I was mugged a few years back leaving a bartending job I worked on Skillman Ave. Way before it was the place to be, like now. My attacker was white. He took my cash tips for that night and my cell phone (back when stealing phones was still a thing).
This is nothing to do with race. So before all you Trump supporters are forced out of Sunnyside by some bunch of smelly rich liberals, admit you secretly love that the attacker was described as African American. Because you just love it.
I hope this woman makes a full recovery. And I hope they nail the spineless bastard who attacked a woman in her 50s from behind.
As soon as we can get all men out of Sunnyside, just imagine the crime free utopia we could have…
They didn’t have to post it.
Out of genuine interest Ali, what was the name of the bar that you work in on Skilman?
It was known as the Brogue back then, now the Globe. Murphy’s was still just a crappy dive bar and it was just between the 2 bars, after I had locked up, that a man came behind me and took my cash and phone. It was 2007. I’m not exactly haunted by it. I was 25 and fit. Anybody creeping up on a woman in her 50s need his balls kicked. And kicked hard.
Really Mac?…Women were being robbed and assaulted on the streets of Sunnyside 50 years ago? We “enjoy a lower crime rate”?….Do yourself a favor and stay off the sauce!
Yes there was crime here in Sunnyside 50 years ago you imbecile. I was here you stupid punk.
-no camera You still haven’t told us what you’re doing to make your own neighborhood safe? Have a good one Rocky, Pearl and the other dozens of handles you go by. You should put naive on that handle list.
How gullible is this clown with his anti Van Bramer posting name? Of course there was crime in Sunnyside 50 years ago. My sister was mugged coming home from cozy bros. now McGuiness in the late 60’s when I was home on leave. We also weren’t afraid to question someone’s reason for being in the neighborhood. Granted this particular offense occurred at 6:00AM. A grown man couldn’t be as gullible as this guy to believe Sunnyside was a crime free autopia. That is pretty scary no wonder this country is in the shape it is.
My husband was stabbed after closing up the family bar in Astoria in 1967 right by the old Getty station. Thank God he survived. Sure there was crime back then, just seemed like a lot less of it in general. The boy who responded in schock to Macs comment is just young and naive, he’ll grow up.
I hope Jesus doesn’t read the comments section of the Sunnyside Post.
leave religion out of this not nice at all – truth hurts for some people –
I was talking about Jesus Delgado. A friend of mine. He’s very sensitive.
I would walk every morning to work around that time 5:30-6 am same block and every day. Those blocks between Skillman and 39 Ave are super dark. I would walk in the middle of the street to not startle the neighbors walking their pets or going to work. I’ve said it once and I’ve said it over and over again. There is not enough police presence in sunnyside period.
In 36 years i have only seen a police officer walking the neighborhood once!
Why aren’t they making the rounds under the train station and along queens blvd?Why are homeless people placed in hotels near neighborhoods? They should br onaced aeay from communitues
Ironic that this is JVB’s block and he was nowhere to help. All snuggled in with his blanky. I thought he was going to protect us and ready to fight???
yea right that is a joke –
Ignorance and lack of conscious spewed out all over this comments section as if they are proud of it.
Self righteous conceited jersey hipster
Look at all the heartless/racist Sunnyside people come out of the woodwork here in the comments section.
It’s heartless and racist to beat and rob another human being. Black man beats and robs a white woman — it’s a crime and quite possibly a racist and misogynist crime as well. The fact that you prefer to ridicule, condescend and engage in empty virtue signaling with commenters here exposes what a low plane thinker you are. Hope you feel all big and important with your holier than thou attitude — idiot.
2 manny shelters on Queens blvd!! Thank you Diblasio
and don’t forget JVB too –
I guess JVB can add this to his list of accomplishments..The homeless shelters have been a great addition to the neighborhood. We also need more self defense classes to protect ourselves from those NASTY Trump supporters.
Jimmy Van Bramer is too busy marching in every anti-Trump parade to give a shit on what’s going on in his/our 11104 zip code.
Gay proud & 100% Trump!
And stupid
-No Camera What are you doing to make your own neighborhood safe? Oh that’s right you post to a blog. You’re such a chest pounding do nothing punk of a blowhard. Sunnyside is not walled off so crime is going to happen like it did eighty years ago, fifty years ago and yesterday. Sunnyside still enjoys a lower a crime rate than most areas in the city. Thank you JVB.,
Did your mom tell you to write this !#Jimmyisfabulous
No camera = Pearl Cream = Rocky. Did your mamma raise you to be such a coward? Punk.
I hope the woman recovers fully. As for the POS who did this I hope they catch your stupid ass maybe to save you for being killed by your next unsuspecting victim. You never know who your meeting if your sneaky and POS to attract from behind you coward and a woman to top it off
It maybe time to put together a neighborhood watch team.
This is why we need the Italian mob back.. This shot doesn’t happen in their neighborhoods, fucking thugs someone catch him and castrate this fuck.
I hope they have a camera shot because that’s a pretty general description. hope the lady recovers quickly! this is really disgusting.
All of the above on the list – courtesy of Mayor Di Blasio
I love this neighbourhood something need to change before a really good neighbourhood become a bad one
YOU CAN THANK DE BLAHHHHHHH SIO #STOPANDFRISK i ,lve on that street and I feel bad for him if he gets me
Stop and frisk is proven by data to be useless for anything other than making people’s lives worse.
No it wasn’t go back to the jersey burbs
He punched her in the face. How would stop and frisk have prevented this?
The article says she was punched in the face. How exactly would #stopandfrisk have prevented this?
It’s easy to call on others to be stopped, but imagine if it were you being stopped and treated like a criminal for no reason.
I hope she recovers quickly and the perpetrator is brought to justice.
They say not to be racist. Ok…
Prayers for that poor woman! 🙁
Where is the increased police presence? I only see them in patrol cars picking up food to go. Stores and homes being robbed Graffiti popping up all over. Alcoholics in the newly renovated park buying liquor from the conveniently located store across the street. Homeless in hotels less than a mile away. Now add muggings to the list. Something wrong with this picture!
I agree with you! The shelters discreetly popping up… and all the homeless under the train tressle
and JVB knows all about where the shelters are and he was the first one to say NOT TO PICKET IN FRONT OF THEM — so he is so full of bologna — and he is all for them too —
Thanks to the soraounding hotels on Queens Boulevard with these kind of people
Agree. Living in this neighborhood 44 years and never had this problem. Thanks to JVB and Mayor idiot, hotels on Queens Blvd. turning into homeless shelters, we now have issues with undesirables in the area. JVB will march across the 59th street bridge to Trump Tower in protest against Trump to protect the rights of gays and lesbians, but tells us we should not protest in front of these hotels. It is not politically correct or proper to not accept people in the neighborhood who are in need of housing. Really JVB. Do yourself a favor, do not March with Mayor Idiot in the all inclusive parade this year. He is not welcomed. And JVB needs to find a new job.
JVB never once told people not to protest the welfare hotels. In fact he was at odds with the mayor over the mayors policy and it was a very public dispute and in all the papers and on the TV News. I’ve been in Sunnyside for well over 70 years of my life and Sunnyside was never immune to the occasional crime. That’s why this story made the news it’s not the norm. Either you’re a liar or just horribly informed.
he did tell people in the neighborhood NOT TO PROTEST in front of the hotels on queens boulevard
The Quality Inn, located at 53-05 Queens Boulevard, is being used as a temporary homeless shelter. In the past two months, families have arrived without the DHS informing elected officials, Community Board 2 or the public at large.
Councilman Jimmy Van Bramer said he was never formally notified of the administration’s decision to move homeless families into the hotel. It was only when he heard from a constituent that he uncovered that it was being used as a temporary shelter for the homeless.
“The administration’s handling of this has been outrageous and has been botched from the start,” Van Bramer said. “I have been livid with the administration in the way the have tried to sneak this in. It is not the way the these things should be done.”
He said the de Blasio administration didn’t tell anyone that the temporary shelter was in operation. He said that de Blasio is ultimately responsible for this.
“Whether he is making the call or not, the buck stops with the mayor and that is what the big job means,” Van Bramer said.
Van Bramer said he has no plans to protest outside the Quality Inn. “There are young mothers and children who are going through tough times. We do have to show empathy.”
Well then prepare for more, Jimbo!
and this is from the SUNNYSIDE POST
Jimmy didn’t know cause nobody told him! That’s about as good as Hillary saying she didn’t know anything about her emails.
This guy expects everyone to do his job for him but he has no problem taking a salary increase right.
He’s the same twit that has a meeting on how to spend the city’s millions he’s supposedly in charge of but he didn’t get the memo on another homeless shelter.
But he’s the jerkoff having rally’s to shut down clubs and try to condem someone’s business but he won’t rally on a homeless shelter adding crime and dirtbags to the parks and streets at night.
Maybe he should let them stay at his house for a couple months than if it’s no big deal.
Next year people don’t elect this idiot in again !!!!!!!!!
Please please please please.
He blames Deblasio but it’s his territory and his responsibility and he’s getting paid over $160,000 for a job he obviously cannot do.
He’s weak and in capable and makes excuses for what he’s getting paid to do.
He’s the reason this neighborhood has the problems it has.
All that courtesy of Mayor Di Blasio!
We need a totalitarian state. This will create law and order. Law and order is all that matters. There should be police with assault rifles on every block. No more than 2 or three people can congregate together, otherwise you will be arrested. If you are of color, and are north of Qns Blvd, you will be arrested. You never know who will be aiding the police, so you should keep your mouth shut – or you will be arrested. Everyone will now have to walk the same, and not make any sudden movements. No public displays of affection, especially if you are LGBT. You will provide your documentation whenever asked, and that could be at any time. We need to know who you are, where you live, who you family is, who your friends are, and what your activities are. We will investigate any lies, and you will be arrested. You might even disappear upstate or within the bowels of rikers.
Law and order. That’s all that counts or matters. USSR HERE WE COME!!!!
Yeah you’re a Democrat alright.
@Sara Anyone who uses fact truth and history to make a decision can’t help but choose to be a Democrat. FBI statistics are Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and South Carolina. US census data reveals the 10 poorest states : Mississippi, Arkansas, West Virginia, Tennessee, South Carolina, Montana, Kentucky, Alabama, North Carolina and Louisiana. They all have common denominator of being “Red States”.List of states most dependent on Federal aid provided by tax foundation New Mexico, Mississippi, Kentucky, Alabama, Montana, West Virginia, Arizona, Louisiana,South Dakota, Maine, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Georgia. List of most unhealthy and least health care coverage wall street 24/7 Mississippi, Arkansas, Louisiana, Alabama, West Virginia, Kentucky, Oklahoma, South Carolina, Tennessee and Indiana. These low performing Republican states dominate all surveys and studies with worst statistics and as poorest performers.
“FBI statistics are Alabama, Louisiana, Mississippi, Arkansas and South Carolina” – Let the facts guide you- 2017. A quote for the ages.
And most of america’s conservative right forgot the cold war, and what authoritarian/ totalitarian rule is. You included. You have no idea what you are sacrificing for ideology. Pretty soon we will be living in a state like russia, if trump has anything to do with it, and your civil liberties and what you thought he was fighting for is thrown right out the window because either trump or his 1% make more money.
Putin realized money is everything. So has the leader of China, India, Korea, Japan, etc. They will prostitute themselves and suck trumps ass, because this is what america has done. Sold out.
America is a whore house. Plain and simple. They will f*ck anything that moves for money. Pure definition of prostitution.
need? i dont know what rock you’ve been living under, but its been a totalitarian state for over a decade. manhattan has cops on every corner, many in the subway with assault rifles.
You don’t have a goddamn clue what a totalitarian state is. Cops on street corners? Really? Go read some history books or just google “USSR.”
Your ignorance just reflects the stupidity of this nation and how we are headed down that slippery slope. And half the country is Ok with it.
homeless in hotels? How about under the 7 train at 47th Street?? There has been an encampment (multiple mattresses, with multiple people) for MONTHS. I reported and reported to 311 for fear of someone freezng to death, and they kept coming back with ‘individual could not be located’ Once they came back with ‘individual refused assistance.
call JVB and see what answers you get
-D If you just walked up to the el you will see the mattresses and homeless have been removed. And quite some time ago at that.
The Police today don’t want to have to walk around and actually work. They like sitting in the Squad Car and reading FaceBook stories about Trump.
Back in the ’60s we had “Beat Cops”, they knew everybody and everybody knew them. There was a Sargent on Patrol that checked the local Beat Cops, they had no radios, but “Call Boxes” at various locations. They knew the skells and the good guys, it always seemed “Safe”. There were factories, and the “Fleet Post Office” on Northern Blvd. Lots of jobs, many people walked to work, to American Chicle and Breyers Ice Cream, or Liberty Brass Turning on Queens Boulevard. People knew the Cops and the business owners knew everybody in the neighborhood. There was a better quality of life due to that kind of familiarity. Today it’s just not the same.
Thank you for reporting this promptly and not a month later as you often do.
I feel terrible for this woman. Let’s stick together for our community and please call the police if you see the guy.
poor lady hope she recovers from the attack. and if there is a bright note in all of this is that the dog & duck and the European deli have cameras that will capture his image as he is cowardly running away, east on Skilman. The NYPD should publish his image not only on the web but on every lamppost in the neighborhood too
the thug pos probably doesnt live in the area, so it was an easy hit.
I totally agree with you , his face needs to be plastered all over the place let’s keep our neighborhood safe.
Build that wall!
You’re dumb.
U scare …..u need a wall… Keep working hard …we need your taxes to build it..
More the Tony ‘The Wretch’. Nothing reported in the story to suggest the perp was an undocumented migrant.
racists don’t belong in Queens EVER
Exactly ! That’s why these intolerant racist criminals need to be apprehended, prosecuted and if here illegally – deported. I’d not here illegally – thrown in jail.
Build that wall around Tony the Witch
Oh geez! Yeah slam and ridicule the victim, praise and protect the criminal.
Nothing could be more backwards and insane.
The suspect is described as a 5-foot-7 black man. what are you talking about?
You, trump and the rest of his supporters are morons!!