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Man punches passenger on 7 train by 46th Street station, NYPD says

Dec. 29, 2016 Staff Report

A passenger on the No. 7 train was punched in the face at the 46th Street station last Thursday by a man who claimed the victim was filming him arguing with another rider, police said.

The 45-year-old victim was believed to be recording the alleged perpetrator while the suspect was involved in a verbal dispute with another unidentified man at around 10 pm, December 22.

The aggressor then punched the victim with a closed fist on the Queens-bound train, police said. The victim, who was knocked to the ground, suffered a bruise to his head and arm. He refused medical attention.

The victim and the alleged perpetrator both got off the train at the 46th Street station. The suspect was accompanied by a female.

The suspect is black, 18-20 years old, 6’00” with a medium build and black hair. He was wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt and a long, white jacket.

Surveillance photo and video is attached and available at DCPI.

Anyone with information, please call NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)

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Pedro Valdez Rivera Jr.

As for the vigilant subway rider with a smartphone while filming on the suspect doing the crime, so long he or she kept his or her distance from the suspect, then in the not too distant future, the police will use it as evidence by tracking the suspect down.


He looks like he voted for hitlary. blm and all that stuff. Will probably blame the high cost of higher education for his troubles. Deblasio will say he lacked choices available to him and provide a scholarship on taxpayer dollars. Then all you libtards will blame Trump for your trouble and he’s not even governing yet…..

No fan of Deblasio

Anthony is a useful idiot of the Republican Party. He is gullible enough to believe a party with a low wage agenda like the Republicans with their RTW -Right to Work For less legislation and policies can actually make a government that uses a progressive taxation system (tax proportionately what people earn) work effectively and be fiscally responsdible. He is stupid enough to believe low wages will set you free in consumer driven market economy. He’s stupid enough to vote a RTW passing over time bill killing labor hating creep the second in line for the presidency and actually believe salaries will climb with this administration for the average American and American family. Anthony is a gullible chest pounding Fox watching imbecile.

Chris P. Bacon

I hope all the Anthonys in the world feel the brunt of their stupid and obvious poor choices. Maybe when they cut SS they might.


The racist boneheads on this site put the entire neighborhood to shame.

you had better aim higher with your coverage. You attract way too many Missing Links with your copy. Don’t encourage them.

Chris P. Bacon

Yes. Surprising how many racist dRumpf lovers are in the hood. I’ll be happy to see THAT generation go the way of the Dino.


Hopefully they find the low-life scumbag punk. Or better yet he’s found before the cops find him and gets his punk ass kicked.


Yes, it’s annoying to be recorded on the train, but if you punch every single person that annoys you, you’ll end up in prison for a very long time. Grow up.


The one filming deserved a punch ! Mind your own business too many people can’t mind there own these days.
Shut up look forward and go home.


Now that it’s en vogue to harass minorities and immigrants, your logic says you should just leave well enough alone, right? No recording of hate crimes because you should be minding your own business.

Chris P. Bacon

Another idiot. You want this clown harassing YOU next time? Larrys logic of putting his head in the sand. Coward.


So true! DeBlasio loves crime. I just checked and crime has gone down ONLY 76% since the 70s. Why not 77%? Where are the laws Mr. Mayor?


Stop trying to be the next facebook/youtube hero by recording random people. Obviously the guy is upset at something, maybe he just had a fight with his girlfriend, the last thing you want is someone taking out their anger on you and your stupid camera phone pointed at them.
I don’t want to go so far to say this person deserved the punch, but at least he will stop filming angry people on subway. Oh and spare me the “public space” speech. We don’t know if he asked him to stop recording and if he kept going. Respect people’s space and request and mind your own business. Call 911 if you think there is something illegal going on.

Sir Walter Raleigh

Yeah! I wonder how many Trumpanzees would put up with someone taking a video of them when they are simply just arguing with someone! from the looks of there rallies none would.


Subway trains have no expectation of privacy. According to the law, I can record whatever I want, and it has nothing to do with your “space” or respect for others’ business. It’s actually your problem if you don’t want to be recorded. If you are confrontational and aggressive, a recording can either do one of two things. Make you more aggressive or make you stop. By your logic, anybody that is harassing another passenger deserves to be left alone, right?


No, actually if you think you can do something, do something about it, recording him is not same as doing something about it. Like I said, call 911, or if you are so tough, go put him under citizens arrest.


Hey Matt: I bet blowing your nose is confusing. But happy new year and hopefully the Jets will go to the Super Bowl next year. Our love will remain strong.


Terrific letter to the SUNNYSIDE Post. The Jets will win all the games this year!


The cops respond to a call and all the know it all kneegors pull out their cell camera. Now that somebody did it to the know it all kneegor he goes crazy and attacks someone. If the cop attack everyone that pulled a camera on them it would be headlines everyday


“Kneegor?!!!!” You disgusting human slug! Someone should either take you to a school for knuckleheads and keep you there until you learn civility or you should just stay inside until you starve to death.

uncle buck

The 7 train is becoming increasingly aggressive. During busy times the lack of common sense and disregard for other passengers is outstanding, I’ve seen all sorts of rude people. And now there seem to be a stream of loud, obnoxious 17 – 20 year olds that rush up the stairs and pour into the trains around 4, all shouting, pushing each other and generally making a nuisance of themselves.

Fresh & Save Manager

Lol. Those are the kids from IS125, and they’re 13-14 year olds. We were once all there being teens ourselves. You must be new here uncle buck.


A lot of foreigners on the 7 train. Rudeness and throwing garbage on the floor is common in foreign countries. I’m sure the politically correct SUNNYSIDE Post won’t print letter.


I’ve seen Joe throw his trash right in the trash can. Amazing guy. Very kind!

Saw a news report on TV just the other night — other countries teach their kids in school to be rude and throw garbage on floors. Disgrace!


All you people with your cell phone videos deserve a good smack. Mind your business. Effin rats . Everytime a cop pulls someone over, out pops the video. Cops dont like it.


So the guy was arguing with a cop? I don’t think that’s what the story says Elroy. Next time you’re being assaulted and someone videos it just tell them to mind their own business and put away the camera.


Clear view of the face in the video. I hope someone recognizes him. With DeBlasio as Mayor, everyone knows there are no more laws in NYC and the 70s are back in just 3 years. One Term Mayor!


Its not going to happen buddy. Bill is playing the “them vs. us” card and he will bring many people including many minorities to the polls to keep him in office. His stance against stop and frisk, commitment to affordable housing, decrease in crime, better graduation rate, support for Hillary Clinton and putting homeless shelters in middle class neighborhoods will definitely help him with the majority of the NYC population. His wife and children will also play a big role in helping him stay in office. Only borough he would have trouble with is Staten Island.


No more laws? Well, if that’s the case then things are even better. There are fewer crimes / murders in NYC than in ANY YEAR DURRING THE 20th CENTURY. I’m not sure the down side of that Tony. This city is the no. one tourist attraction in the US – more money flowing into the city from the country and the world. The 2nd Ave Subway just opened – not sure what the downside of that is. Yeah Tony guess we have to reverse all of this.


-Albert the two top tourist destinations in America are Las Vegas and Orlando,FL. I wonder what else you got wrong in your post?

Putin hacked my computer and ate my cornflakes

He must be one of those violent Trump supporters Van Bramer warned us about.


I know this guy. He went to Trump University. Very smart guy!

Too bad there’s no audio. You can’t hear him telling everyone how he likes to assault women. Great guy!


Clinton needs to move on. His daughter is only a 6. Terrible.

I hope he gets a double case heel spurs. Total dummy!


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