April 12, 2016 By Michael Florio
Sunnysiders can enjoy comedy for a good cause this month.
Comedian Cory Jarvis, a Sunnyside resident, is hosting a comedy fundraiser for the Veterans of Foreign Wars on Saturday, April 30.
The show will be held at the VFW Post located at 47-53 43rd St.
Doors will open at 7 p.m., with the show starting at 8 p.m. The show will last about an hour and a half, Jarvis said.
Tickets cost $5 and will be sold at the door, first come first serve. Tickets will not be sold in advance, according to Jarvis. The VFW, which has a bar, has space for up to 70 attendees.
All proceeds from the event will go toward the VFW Post, which hosts programming for veterans.
The lineup includes five comedians including Dustin Chafin, seen on Showtime, Harrison Greenbaum of “Last Comic Standing,” Subhah Agarwal, seen on Comedy Central, and Alex Carbano, who has performed on “Showtime at the Apollo.”
Jarvis said he wanted to support the VFW because of the important work it does for veterans.
According Jarvis’ website, he served in the Air Force before pursuing stand-up.
“There are a lot of guys that are coming back from Iraq and such that can use some help,” Jarvis said. “The military prepares you for what to expect going in, but they don’t prepare you for anything when you get out.”

47-53 43rd Street (GMaps)
“The VFW is there to help these guys,” he continued. “This is a great way to raise money and to make the community aware of the great programs they offer.”
Raffles will be held after the show. Prizes are still being determined, according to Jarvis.
If Sunnyside Post commenters went they’d be hecklers.
Trolls score: 5/10.
Pros: They were able to take a charity event and prove in their own minds that this, of all things out there, is the downfall of society.
Cons: Seemed a bit tired and defeated in their anger. Couldn’t fully commit to their ridiculousness.
A worthy cause. Adrian said to ignore the anti-semite known as “US Citizens get Nothing”. Does he know how much money Egypt gets?
-Rocky America was settled and created by companies for companies to turn a profit. Note the names of the earliest groups who settled the place Massachusetts Bay Company, The Virginia Company, The Plymouth Joint Stock Company, London Company (also called the Charter of the Virginia Company of London), The United East Indian Company, referred to by the British as the Dutch East India Company. Religious freedom and refuge from tyranny, oppression and persecution nonsense did you are much further down the list. You’re one uninformed and under educated blowhard..
You make no sense abs are incapable of a coherent thought
-luv it’s not that complicated. Blame is saying America was really founded by companies to turn a profit and not for Religious freedom or escaping persecution. In other words what we are taught as history does not match up with reality.
Ever heard of AIPAC.
It’s the organization that every politician has to make love to in order to get the big donors money. It also determines what middle eastern countries get foreign aid….and there is lots of it.
Moderator should not allow racist commrnts
Indeed it seems American politicians can’t get far without pandering to Israel. Seems their loyalty lies elsewhere.
Do you have a problem with Jews? I guess you do.
Enough with the anti-semite card.
If the shoe fits where it and you are spreading anti Semitic propaganda . Your step father pat Buchanan must be proud
As a former military number I’m telling you to take a hike . Real vets are not anti Semitic as you are
Why is it we have no shortage of money for foreign aid to countries that hate us but brave veterans need fundraisers to help them out? Why are this country’s priorities so messed up?