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Neighbors Fundraising For Family Of Murdered Woodside Resident

Source: Fundraising page

Source: Fundraising page

March 11, 2016 By Jackie Strawbridge

Neighbors are rallying to support the family left behind after a Woodside man was murdered with a pipe last weekend.

Martin Quiej, owner of Tauros Party Supplies on 54th Street, was struck in the head with a metal pipe in the early morning of March 5. Police found him lying on the ground with lacerations to his head; he was taken to Elmhurst Hospital, where he later died.

This week, members of the Woodside community launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for Quiej’s family.

According to their campaign page, which can be viewed online here, money will go into a bank account set up for Quiej’s son, also named Martin. Organizers have set a fundraising goal of $10,000.

The campaign page describes one neighbor’s harrowing experience of witnessing the attack unfold and waiting for police to arrive.

According to that account, Quiej had attempted to diffuse an argument between two men outside his store before he was struck with the metal pipe. Police confirmed that there had been a dispute but not Quiej’s role in it, however, footage obtained by NBC 4 New York shows Quiej stepping into an ongoing argument.

Fundraisers also wrote that they are “outraged” with police response time.

“It went on for a long while and still, NO COPS SHOWED UP!” the page reads. “[Neighbors] feel like Martin’s death could have been prevented.”

Police did not immediately respond to requests for comment.

Victor Mendoza, a 21-year-old Woodside resident, was arrested for the attack.

Police are still looking for another man, described as a Hispanic male, last seen wearing blue jeans, black shoes and a gray jacket.


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@Mac People like Rocky don’t take responsibility for what they say or do..Do you really expect him to answer Pats question? He obviously is incapable of explaining anything he says and does..Everything with this imbecile is two dimensional conservative vs liberal, black vs white, democrat vs republican, He obviously lacks the capacity to deduce an argument with any degree of reasoning. He’s nothing but slogans and buzz words. blah blah blah

Tab Hunter

And the police in NYC are demoralized – that is a fact! Facts are stubborn things, Mac, Joe, John John, Pat. Bernie gonna grab your money!

Rocky Balboa

Pat needs to go home and read the Nation and Mother Jones and shout racist bigot, blah blah blah.


– Rocky just because someone is not stupid enough to buy the trash you and other imbeciles like you feast upon doesn’t mean they buy somebody else’s extremist views either. How about just answering Pats simple question. Better yet just shut up you fool.

Rocky Balboa

Notice: demonstration being hijacked by people shouting in Spanish, “We are not going, we are staying.”


For information the police confirmed the second person was the man arrested at the scene. As clearly seen from the video he didn’t do anything, if anything he tried to stop this tragedy from happening by directing the attacker in another direction.


Note your use of the words blue collar idiots democrats hate working class people you are an elitist as are David Joe Mac etc


Luvu2 How’s that low wage right to work for less wage treating you? Republicans pass RTW legislation in every state they gain control in for a reason. It has to do with greed and more to do with contempt of blue collar concerns. Republicans are coming for your jobs with out sourcing and visa programs. Sucker! Haha


-Luvu2 You got another one flat wrong again..Police do not ignore quality of life crimes.To quote the NYPD “We have been supportive of having a civil option for the police,” NYPD spokesman Stephen P. Davis told the Times. “Where appropriate, the civil option is probably going to be the go-to option,” he said, but police want and will to retain discretion to arrest.


I can’t believe people “dislike” a quote that is correcting someones mistake or misunderstanding..You gotta wonder about somebody who would make a popularity contest and politicize a fact. Are these people endorsing ignorance and its spread?

Rocky Balboa

You are wrong. Police are “demoralized” and told to ignore low level crimes (public urination, etc.). Police morale at record low under Deblasio and his mini me, Bratton.


Rocky I’m on the job and can assure you we are not demoralized. Do you normally believe everything you are told by pundits and politicians? I know the commissioner personally and can guarentee you he is own man unlike you.

Joe at the Berkley

@Rocky Another post showcasing your idiocy. Thank you. How can somebody else be wrong when they’re quoting another individual? Are you saying NYPD Spokesman Stephen P. Davis is wrong? These are his words. Do us a favor get some self respect and go back to school. Take some pride in yourself.


Rocky- the discussion was about ignoring quality of life crimes. Try to stay up with the rest of the class, dummy..


What does this racist article in a right wing rag have to do with this story or with the discussion about ignoring quality of life calls? Thank you Rocky you finally confirmed your true colors something many people posting here long suspected. You also showed disrespect to the family of the man who died on 54th street by posting that filth to this comment stream. Normally I wouldn’t even care and actually enjoy it. Placing that link in this comment stream is offensive and disrespectful. Good work you disrespectful creep.

John John

-Pat The toxic mix of Rocky’s stupidity and unscrupulous and disingenuous tone of Frontpage Mag is the equivalent to putting a gun in the hands of a homicidal psycho. These manipulative and deceptive publications use hate and fear to manipulate and incite weak minded fools like Rocky. These publications get fools like Rocky to vote against their very own best interest. They love to twist the relationship between cause and effect. The person named Mac has posted numerous times about this creep Rocky being a racist and now he has admitted it by revealing his source of stupidity. What’s really a shame the magazines editor David Horowitz is originally from Queens and comes from a family of political fanatics. Generation after generation.


Hysterical leftists who can’t deal with the facts shout racist three times and tap your feet . Horowitz is a genius a former resident of queens whose parents were commies . Read the book radical son . Horowitz wised up but dummies like David Mac and Joe did not I feel sorry for you guys


-luvu2. When someone has asked a reasonable question these weak minded righties can’t answer with discourse it’s tagged hysterical. These chest pounding fools have no faith in their own ideology that’s why they constantly hijack and constantly change the direction of the conversation. Asking why someone would post a link to a political rag on a comment stream discussing a senseless murder is more then a reasonable question. This person posting as Rocky and luvu2 is one warped imbecile.

Tab Hunter

John John is acting like a Dumb Dumb! Yup, you probably read The Nation which supported STALIN while smoking weed. And if you want to see a racist, look in the mirror: you have a condescending attitude towards minorities and think they cannot think for themselves. Front Page is brilliant. Too bad the New Republic is going down the drain since most “progressives” do not know how to read and don’t spend money anyway.


Luvu2 The new right wing form of political correctness. It’s alright to disrespect and act in a sociallyvunacceptable manner as long as it’s toward someone that has been deemed less human. Shame on you. Hopefully people show your loved ones more respect in death then you and Rocky showed these people. What goes around comes around.


Yes Pat you need to leave the conversation and go watch a movie because Rocky lacks the intelligence to answer a simple question concerning his very own post. There sure are some simpletons posting here. This guy has done every dance under the sun under the tags of luvu2, tab Hunter and Rocky not to answer a simple question. The new face of the Republican Party band of blue collar idiots.


-Rocky, Luvu2 and Tab Hunter Do you fools ever get tired of being wrong? Tab has the gall to call anyone dumb…Tab there are no Doris Day and Tab Hunter movies, they never made a movie together. Go look it up fool…LOL


Everybody making valid points . Terrible tragedy and maybe small crimes do lead to bigger ones . The police told to ignore quality of life crimes and some of the people engaging in bad behavior already have criminal records


Your comment is largely incoherent, so I’m responding to what I think you’re saying, sorry if you meant something else. I agree it’s bad that there are convicts loitering the streets, and I agree calling cops is the right thing to do. Going out and swinging a pipe at them, as Quiej did (see video) is not a good idea. How do you think going and starting a fight with some wackos screaming at people is a good idea?

And someone did call the cops about the noise. That’s the right thing to do, too. My point is in response to people complaining they didn’t get there fast enough. People yelling at each other is not an emergency, so the cops are not going to rush there. People fighting is an emergency–and when that started the cops DID get there fast. how else would they have caught the guy a block away?

It seems like there were some who insisted on making this a political issue, when it was Latino-on-Latino violence that could have been averted by staying in his store. Then it’s the cops’ fault somehow even though they caught the assailant that night. Then some people at the mourning were waving Mexican flags when Quiej was Guatamalan.

I feel really sad for his family. I really wish he would have stayed put and not escalated a shouting match into a physical fight (again watch the video; he was fighting with them, and he lost)

Del Toro

Phil, you are wrong. It’s this kind of ignorant behavior is what’s getting us murders and violent fights in our neighborhood. Obviously they have been loitering there for a while, it’s either drug issue or some other illegal action, obviously you have a convict with several prior and he still keeps coming out, and you just want to let people keep shouting until someone comes out of their window and goes “Hey, shut up, I am trying to my kids to sleep” instead of you calling the cops, and these piece of crap worthless thugs pointing a gun at him or even shooting him, similar to what they did to this guy.

Screaming and yelling may not be an emergency situation, that’s why NYC has so many rookie cops on duty, to report to situation like these. The lieutenant or chief himself will not show up, don’t worry.


Very sad for the family.

Having a really hard time understanding the truculent tone of the fundraising post. The cops didn’t show up? Really? Then how did they catch one guy at the scene? Sounds like once there were reports of violence underway, they got there very fast. I’m sorry, but up until that point it was just people shouting at each other, which, uh, is not an emergency situation in NYC. That’s daily life. Not to mention the fact that video shows Quiej swinging a pipe just as aggressively as the guy who ultimately felled him.

Unclear why Quiej decided to escalate a verbal altercation into a slugfest. This tragedy shows that the best thing to do in situations like this is just walk away.


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