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Burglar Breaks into Sunnyside Apartment, Takes $13K in Jewelry, Police Say



Feb. 10, 2016 Staff Report

The police are looking to question a man who broke into a Sunnyside apartment in broad daylight and stole $13,000 of jewelry two weeks ago.

The alleged perpetrator gained access to the apartment—located in the vicinity of 43rd Avenue and 46th Street—through the front door and removed the jewelry from a drawer.

The incident took place at 2:15 pm on Thursday, January 21.

The person wanted for questioning is described as an adult male who was last seen wearing a gray hooded sweatshirt, with a hat underneath, a dark colored winter jacket and dark pants.

The police did not have any further details about the incident.

Anyone with information is asked to call the NYPD’s Crime Stoppers Hotline at 1-800-577-TIPS (8477)

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PC Paul

I just had to jump into this. I grew up on 42nd Street, just off Queens Blvd. My mother lived in the same apartment house for almost 60 years until she had to move out due to illness. We gave up the apartment in 2004. When I was about 8 or 9 years old (1958-59) we came home one afternoon after visiting my grandparents in the Bronx. At the time we lived on the top floor (4th) of our apartment house. As we got to our door, we noticed that it was open about one inch. My mother opened it and called to see if my father was inside; he wasn’t. As we walked in, it became obvious that the place had been ransacked. The creeps came in through the bedroom window off the fire escape (no one locked windows then, but we started after that episode).

Bottom line: it’s up to you to protect your home in the best way you can. I wonder if this guy knew that there was a good haul to be found in that apartment. By the way, keep politics out of something like this.


This kid did what he did because he thought nobody would recognize him. Sunnysiders/Woodsiders do not steel and burglarize each other. He needs serious help. He has dropped out of school and is now roaming the streets aimlessly. Where did he come from? Does he have parents? Who are they?Where are they? Will he be thrown into the system when he is caught? Or will he be given a slap on the wrist and he left alone to continue his livelihood into bigger crimes? Whatever happened to no child left behind?
DOE – are you there?

John John

Good and scary point about poster Rocky. According to him there are only 2 sides of an issue Fox and MSNBC. Very two dimensional. And he calls it education. This is exactly how Religious fanaticism works, the exact same way. The Fox critics are absolutely correct about the propaganda angel spewing from the network. Its alive and well in Rocky.


-Rocky If you were trying to educate me you would be using your own ideas and conclusions and fact truth and history. Your idea of educating someone is to instill and to blindly follow somebody else’s ideology. That’s the very definition of brainwashing and blind faith. You are confusing education with indoctrination.


@Curlicue Of course I’m going to respond and I have both a job and life you phony. We get angry when a punk like you pretends he wants to hold an honest and open conversation on a topic but actually just wants to politicize the topic of conversation. How embarrassed do you think we feel about living amongst the likes of you. A politicizing coward who is afraid to leave his apartment. The laughter we give you is nothing compared to the laughter we get from you..Where are your safety related issue posts? They have yet to materialize. The pathetic posts and attempt to politicize this issue are up there although. You owe David and Emily an apology you timid Fox watching imbecile..You know you’re a complete low information blowhard when Rocky comes to your defens. Thank you Rocky. #blamefoxnews

Rocky Balboa

I am trying to educate you, #blamefoxnews – you need to WATCH Fox as it is fair and balanced and stay away from Rachel Maddow and Chris “spittle” Matthews. Lately “tingles” hair is a lovely shade of pineapple.


Wow u people really need to get a life or a job. This must b your job to comment on every article written on here. I’ve never come across such angry people. Either your way or he hwy. Try to notice no one cares what u have to say including me . I’m imbarassed to say I live amongst u. I’m done sorry to waste so much of my time on all your ignorance. But keep on talking, I’m sure u are great free entertainment for the rest of the community. Of course u will have a reply to this, for it is your life and nothing else to occupy your sad sorry lives with. I’m looking forward to all the laughter I will receive from your future posts as is everyone else


@Curlicue What exactly are you thanking Rocky for? For reaffirming the fact that you are a hypocrite? According to your own post “Each one of u are only concerned about fighting with each other over BS. Is no one concerned about what’s going on in Sunnyside., it seems more important for all of u to tell each other which of u r more ignorant than the rest.”. Or are you thanking Rocky for allowing you to abandon your so called position about wanting a discussion on the issue of crime and not feeling safe? You’re two Fox watching idiots who can’t discuss the issues or topic of an opinion feed so need to insult people who expose you for what you are poorly informed hysterical fools and cowards. No substance here. #blamefoxnews

Rocky Balboa

#blamerachelmaddow. She does have very hairy legs! Stay off of MSLSD – it has rotted your brain.


-Curlcue58 I thought the conversation was about ” not feeling safe, this should b the discussion” to quote you.. David provided some good tips you have yet to provide a single tip.However you did feel it safe enough to insult David for his tips and observations. Your post is disingenuous at best and a feeble attempt to politicize the topic. If you go back to the beginning of the comment stream you will see where the “rude,nasty,insulting,narcissistic, degrading” comments spout from. You can dish it out but obviously can’t take it.


RB, You’re absolutely right. This type of irrational fear and hysteria was never around until the irresponsible fear mongering of this station. Good call.

Rocky Balboa

Are you the Emily Lettelier of SNL? You sound just as ignorant and obnoxious. Typical “progressive”.


You should meet Mac having so much in common. Both of you being so rude,nasty,insulting,narcissistic, degrading,your own lack any self esteem, just goes to show how you feel about yourselves.
Insecurity about oneself drives much of the cruelty in the world.


My family has lived on 46th street for well over 75 years. My mother would sit outside our building at the corner of 46th street and 43rd avenue and was never afraid to ask anyone (challenge someone) what they were doing or looking for and neither were any of her friends and these were elderly ladies. The new people moving in are just way too timid and probably trying to be politically correct. People up to no good don’t want to be noticed once they are noticed they move on to a location where they are not being noticed. There is no need to be confrontational a simple hello is enough to do the trick.This has been told to us at community meetings by the police since I was a teenager in the 60’s. Nothing ever got by those old ladies they were the best security system ever. C58 seems hysterical and paralyzed with fear. Call and alert NY1, The Daily News, the Post? Definitely something else at play with this post and person posting it. Very strange.


You and Mac should meet each other,like twins separated at birth,but could not form half a brain together.
Both of you being narcissists,having low self esteem,being nasty,rude,insulting and showing such aggression towards me just goes to show how you feel about yourselves..
This insecurity about oneself drives much of the cruelty in the world.


@Curlicue58 Come up with some of your own suggestions for your own security you whining cry baby. Do you want this guy to come and take you by your hand and escort you from the subway to your home you disgusting ungrateful coward? Thank the man for the advice and move on you spineless crybaby..I have never seen a grown person so fearful, you should be ashamed of yourself you coward. #blamefoxnews


Each one of u are only concerned about fighting with each other over BS. Is no one concerned about what’s going on in Sunnyside., it seems more important for all of u to tell each other which of u r more ignorant than the rest..The point is people r being robbed,,held up on the street, not feeling safe, this should b the discussion. Maybe to rally the neighborhood to all get together. Go to Van Bramers office,call the news stations to draw attention to the crimes, post the crimes on street poles,alert the Daily News, the Post, Ny1. We should b proactive as a community.,If I said Street Fair u would all show up for your tube socks, fake perfume,and sausage heros!


@Curliccue58 Don’t just buzz people into your building. Don’t block yourself out of what’s going on around you by using blasting head phones in public. Don’t be afraid to “challenge” somebody who is suspicious or plain doesn’t belong. Don’t leave the door to your apartment unlocked even when you go out for “short errand”. Lock your windows when you go out. Don’t be afraid to phone police. Don’t be afraid of being viewed as intolerant or racist, if somebody doesn’t feel right call in a suspicious person complaint. It’s not that complicated. It’s also not that common

Sunnyside is for the stupid

@Mac I can see you’re not afraid of being viewed as an idiot !
Why not just live under a rock, then you won’t have to worry about your checklist.


Some of us aren’t afraid to look like an idiot while others aren’t afraid to wear it as a moniker and put it up in print and wave it like a banner waving fool. Dude you sure are stupid.


I don’t need to b told by someone like u what to do or not, any moron that has common sense knows. Did u even know that someone got held up at 10:15 at night at the corner of 45th and 43rd Ave a few weeks ago? Too bad they didn’t have you to advise them what to do.I will for sure challenge someone suspicious as I am walking home from the train at night such a “brilliant” idea..and ‘definitely attempt to call the police as I’m being held up in the street, u seem to know all the answers. U probably still live at home with your mother!


-Curly How dare David even suggest you take at least some responsibility for your own safety and got out right indignant.. What do you want ? Maybe crate a gauntlet of cops to line your route from the subway to your studio apartment? We’ll just give you a security detail consisting of the mayor, police commissioner and half dozen uniforms since you’re not responsible enough to exercise a little bit of common sense or willing to pay attention to your surroundings. Go hang a copy of your comments on one of the utility poles by your crappy studio apartment and in the lobby of your building and let your neighbors know what a manipulated frieghtened coward you are. You truly are a Fox News creation.

Puppy monkey baby

The intelligent life forms moved out a few years ago. These ranters are all former Brooklyn hipsters originally from Oklahoma who are too easily fooled by statistics and the one off story.

But their comments sure are funny to read.


Ok enough is enough, this is too close for my comfort! How r these robbers getting into these buildings ? Are the tenants really that stupid to let someone in the building they don’t know? This is right by me, where someone got held up a few weeks ago. I never felt such fear for my safety as I have in the last 2 years and it’s on the street where I live! What’s being done? I thought I lived in a safe family community! Councilman What R U DOING TO KEEP ME SAFE???????

Woodside Resident A Bit Concerned

All I’m saying is this man obviously knew jewelry was in the apartment. Whoever has gotten their stuff taking from them most likely run their mouth a lot. No disrespect but this also occurred during the day. Clearly the suspect knew what time the apartment would be empty. #SMH


@Rocky Davids post is a “pun” regarding SM’s handle. Hahaha Your response is out of place and utterly ridiculous.Hahahaha


David, Silent Majority is not under informed he knows exactly why he is against the decriminalization of these low level offenses. He doesn’t care about any of the points you made they’re just facts. He very well knows the overwhelming majority of the 700k people who have these warrants are low wage and poverty level blacks and Hispanics. The underlying basis for this guys rant is criminalization of the poorer classes and veiled racism. It’s obvious.

Rocky Balboa

You sound kind of racist Angela; you don’t think that people of “color” are capable of better behavior. And yes, you like to throw the racist labels around a lot. Adrian objects to your judgmental attitude.


@Rocky Not all of the “poorer classes” are black and Hispanic. Your post is racist. Then again we wouldn’t expect anything less from under educated low performing low IQ twit such as you. Angela you’re absolutely right and its called “The Southern Strategy” Look it up.

the north side

Hmm- refrain from any of the temptations mentioned & no infractions issued..quite simple actually

silent majority

Since this is a crime post thought you would all like to know that POS City Council speaker Melissa Mark-Viverito is presenting bills to decriminalize drinking in public,public urination, disorderly conduct,excessive noise and several parking violations and the kicker is she is wiping out 700,000 warrants for such crimes. So you think its bad now just wait.You can thank JVB the next time you see him at a photo op for snow removal or better train service he is great pal with this wh*re. Don’t worry about the guy drinking a forty pissing on the sidewalk and blasting his car stereo and double parking. Have a nice day!


-Silent Majority I believe the reasoning behind the decriminalization of open container laws, disorderly conduct and noise complaint laws and the “criminal” warrants for these offenses is to free up the police for the more serious offenses such as the burglary mentioned in this article. “Decriminalization” doesn’t mean the offenders of such offenses will be getting away with anything just means things that were handled with “c-summons” like open container and noise complaints be “processed” differently, more as a civil concern which is why the police department classify them as “c-summons”. It’s actually better use of tax payer money and police and judicial manpower. You’re prediction about things getting worse is a form of baseless fearmongering. Do you normally get this emotional when you don’t have the facts?

Save Sunnyside

But the police still have to respond to these complaints, which in turn will occupy them while thieves are free to burglarize homes such as the one mentioned in this article…
But since you’re for the “c-summons” why not post your address here so they can drink & piss in front of your apt. Then you can tell them that if they don’t leave, you’ll call the cops & they’ll get a “c-summons” That’ll teach em!


-Save Sunnyside they’re treated as c-summons now. LOL I saw somebody say earlier in a post on this stream that there was a “dumbed down element posting here”. Congratulations you’re the dumbest so far. Nice talking facts with you.

Save Sunnyside

@Sean @David You two can continue “fact checking” & loving each other on here, the rest of us are concerned with our neighborhood and the safety of our residents & property.


You are officially dumbed down when you insult people for injecting fact into a discussion. I’m a middle aged woman and never thought I’d live to see the book 1984 come true. This is not the first time I’ve seen something like what this person called Save Sunnyside wrote, written or in fact even heard. This is evidence of mass brainwashing. Just like Religious fanaticism. I actually hope this person wakes up and realizes they are not rational. If anyone know s them or their family they should try to direct them to someone who could help them.


If passed, the new laws would encourage police not to arrest violators of the other laws. Instead, cops would usually give out civil summonses. Recipients would then be ordered to appear in a court managed by New York City’s Office of Administrative Trials and Hearings.
First-time offender fines would range from $25 to $250. People too poor to pay could instead perform community service.

Police would still retain the option of actually arresting offenders.

“We have been supportive of having a civil option for the police,” NYPD spokesman Stephen P. Davis told the Times. “Where appropriate, the civil option is probably going to be the go-to option,” he said, but police want to retain discretion to arrest.

A New York Daily News analysis shows the seven offenses that would be sent to one of the city’s administrative civil courts under the Mark-Viverito plan account for roughly 2.7 million, or 42%, of the summonses issued by the NYPD between 2001 and June 2014. They also account for more than 510,000 open arrest warrants, according to the analysis of data provided by the state Office of Court Administration.

Leave it to Fox News to turn out its army of idiots to shout down a fiscally conservative and a more efficient and productive use of city police, judicial and administrative resources.


-Save Sunyside “But” when police do not have to arrest people for minor offenses means their time would only be occupied temporarily instead of being pulled off of their patrol or detail to process the arrest. Which in many cases could consume the officers entire shift. Not to mention the time spent in court for court appearances. Do a little research into the topic before just blindly attacking people with foolishness. You could really make a fool of yourself if somebody found who was hiding by your handle.


-Save Sunnyside Are you for real? You’re that new breed of Fox watching idiot who honestly believes “facts” have no place in a discussion even one about a discussion that is “concerned with our neighborhood and the safety of our residents & property.” Really facts don’t matter here??


-Luvu2 Yet another post demonstrating your lack of knowledge on the issues. You’re just plain low information. Give us just one post with more information and less opinion.

Rocky Balboa

It’s called broken windows theory. Read up on it and learn. Or do you want to return to the good old days of MAYOR DINKINS? Yes, those were the glory days for Mac and his ilk.


-Rocky Do you suffer from Psychological projectionism? Go read up on it. Which Broken Windows Theory did you read about? The broken windows theory is a criminological theory of the norm-setting and signaling effect of urban disorder and vandalism on additional crime and anti-social behavior. The theory states that maintaining and monitoring urban environments to prevent small crimes such as vandalism, public drinking, and toll-jumping helps to create an atmosphere of order and lawfulness, thereby preventing more serious crimes from happening. The theory says nothing about how and who should manage and administrate fines and perpetrators of these offenses once they have been made known to law enforcement. It’s about “maintaining and monitoring urban environments to prevent small crimes”, You’re the one who needs to “read up on it and learn”. One thing you are Rocky and that is consistent, consistently wrong and misinformed and rude about it to boot..


Rocky Go to another information source other than Fox and become informed. Read up on the proposal before spouting your usually idiocy and fear mongering. Police would still retain the option of actually arresting offenders. Nobody is changing “broken windows policing” just how its process and administrated by various agencies involved.
“We have been supportive of having a civil option for the police,” NYPD spokesman Stephen P. Davis told the Times. “Where appropriate, the civil option is probably going to be the go-to option,” he said, but police want to retain discretion to arrest. What Rocky you don’t trust the police to use discretion? You and your anti cop friends should get an education.. #blamefoxnews

Rocky Balboa

Adrian and I trust the police since we have members in our family; you, however, seem to have lots of “compassion” for poor widdle cwiminals. #youaretwisted


I didn’t imagine we were a neighborhood where people had $13,000 in jewelry, well maybe the posh crowd in Sunnyside Gardens??

Grim Reaper

Maybe after Curtis Sliwa & the guardian angels are done protecting the subways they can come to Sunnyside & help the 108pct.

Or maybe @Bulimic Panda can pray for a bomb to drop on the Pan Am motel.

the good side

im sure when he is caught his mother will be showing us a picture of him in the cap & gown crowing about what a good kid he is

fake Donald trump

Jewelry should be outlawed? What are you a nut! Go to that dive bar and finish getting your load on because you’ve obviously been drinking. A guy breaks into someone home and thats your solution, to outlaw jewelry. Att:greenpoint lounge, dont serve this person, over the limit already and hopefully isnt driving. Outlaw bulimic panda

is bacon still a trend, cause i never stopped

last seen wearing the clothes in the photo that he wore two weeks ago. Im not a detective or a laundry expert but I assume the he has taken them off by now.

Bulimic Panda

Is bacon still a trend, cause I never stopped brings up a valid point. The man’s hoodie color might change. He can afford a new hoodie now that he’s $6,000 richer. Stolen jewelry typically sells for much cheaper and police reports always state massively inflated valuations.

The police and media should focus on his skin color, not his hoodie. That’s the moral truth.

G-d bless this criminal and all the single mothers he’s impregnated. Amen.

Bulimic Panda

When I was a child this type of person would not invade our homes. Jewelry should be outlawed.

I pray for our little Sunnyside. G-d bless us all. See you all at Greenpoint Lounge in 30 minutes. Amen.

Del Toro

Why do we never get details? I understand SP doesn’t have the details but why can’t it request? Was it locked? Did this lowlife scum piece of crap–sorry, suspect– pick the lock or was it actually unlocked and he just pushed it in, Who left it unlocked and how did he know it was unlocked? This is in the middle of the day.

Also, what’s the address? Where did this happen? Why lack of info? Vicinity of 43rd and 46th? My guess is this guy is someone’s roommate or guest or friend or something and there is information withheld.

Before guns are outlawed, get a gun. It seems like these thieves are walking in right in the middle of the day now. My gun is ready, get yours because I ask 108th, how many of these alleged burglars were caught? Cops don’t give a darn about petty crime, money gone? Oh well, jewelery gone and insurance won’t pay? Oh well. Parking meter passed 1 minute, QUICK SEND IN THE CAVALRY, WE HEARD SOMEONE’S METER RAN OUT OF MONEY.


@del toro Most burglaries happen when people are at work. In suburbs, rural area and urban areas the vast majority of burglaries happen during the day when people are at work. Most burglaries are crimes of opportunity like when you run down to the corner for a quart of milk or to the laundromat but don’t lock the door to your apartment or leave a window with easy access open while you’re out. A gun isn’t going to help you here. Odds are you won’t even be present during the crime and unless your gun is with you at the of the crime, it’s good chance your gun won’t be present when you get back either.


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