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Nine Story Residential Building Nears Completion, Apartments to Hit the Market Next Month


April 13, 2015 By Christian Murray

The largest residential development to come to Sunnyside in recent years is expected to be completed next month and the 38 rent units contained within it will soon be hitting the market.

The development, a nine-story building located at 41-18 43rd Street (between on 43rd and Skillman Avenues), will be comprised of 14 1brm and 24 2brm apartments, according to developer Hooshang Nemat. The units are expected to be available for rent toward the end of May.

“I think the building is a great addition to 43rd Street,” Nemat said. The building also brings “Manhattan-style luxury” to Sunnyside.

Nemat said that each unit contains a Jacuzzi, a washer/drier, stainless steel appliances, an Italian kitchen and polished porcelain/marble flooring.

The one bedroom units are approximately 650 square feet in size and are likely to fetch about $1,900, Nemat said. The two-bedrooms are around 900 square feet and will be priced at $2,995.

“The [rental] numbers are close to 30% below the prices in Long Island City,” Nemat said.

The building will have rooftop facilities, including a lounge area. The apartments on the higher floors have both a balcony and a terrace.

There are 19 parking spots that will be available for rent and will be priced between $200 and $250 per month.

Nemat anticipates that it will take between two and four months to fully rent the building.

However, he said he has already received plenty of phone calls from people interested in the apartments.

“Many people want to buy a unit,” he said. However, he said that he preferred keeping it as a rental building.

“We like the area and are very optimistic about Sunnyside’s future,” he said. “We want it.”

Location prior to development (2012)

Location prior to development (2012)

Previous coverage:

Ground broken on a 9-story residential building in Sunnyside

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So much hate for rent stabilized renters and so much love for developers? Who is posting here anyways? My understanding is that no one forced developers to make units rent stabilized, rather the original developers got tax breaks and/or were allowed to build more to compensate. Am I missing something?

Anonymous Visitor

Yes you are missing something. Rent control/rent stabilization was forced on landlords many years ago as a temporary situation. Iit created several generations of moochers who could have done better but took the lazy easy way out


From the NY Times “The program was enacted in the 1970s to stimulate construction when the city was in crisis. Developers who agreed to build housing got a property-tax break for up to 25 years.” No one forced anyone to be a developer and sounds like they got 25 years of tax breaks. Now people want to buy a building, throw the legally protected people out and make a quick buck. I still think most of the comments on this article are from the developers of this building.

Anonymous Visitor

Most rent controlled buildings were built way before the 70’s. Why would the developers of this building care about rent stabilization??? It doesn’t effect them. Rent stabilization is actually a good thing for the developers today! Less product to compete with because people hold onto these apartments and they rarely turn over. Study after study has shown that by abolishing rent stabilization, rents overall would actually go down. Why would a developer in 2015 want that?


The rule of thumb used to be that a 1 BR rent should be a quarter of your monthly income. Or in other words a weeks income should be able to cover your rent. How many hard working souls in Sunnyside take home two grand a week?


Who cares how many hard working souls in Sunnyside today can pull in two grand a week? Last I checked, we don’t have a centrally planned economy. These apartments are being rented at $2,000/week, and if that means current residents are displaced, that’s life.


WHO DESIGNED THIS? This is the UGLIEST building I have ever seen! What, was there a special on synthetic colored red and white bricks?? Did the architect even VISIT the area, or did he/she just design in vacuum?

To designers looking to work in Sunnyside: we are not Manhattan. We have what is called CONTEXT, and no, it isn’t ‘JUST BRICK’. From Sunnyside Gardens to the prewar midrises to the one story shops along Queens Boulevard, our context is all about PATTERN not COLOR. Bricks (and concrete for that matter) are expressed in a variety of bonds reflecting a variety of styles from Gothic and Art Deco to Classical and Arts and Crafts to Byzantine and Islamic. Feel free to draw from these, combine them, reinterpret or add something new, but recognize that ALL of them utilize NEUTRAL and NATURAL tones with pops of color as ACCENTS ONLY.

The designer of this nightmare may have tried to stand out by using poppy colors, but the bland running bond used throughout – and the OCEANS of white brick at the top of your building – belie any claim to contextual sensitivity or design sophistication. The tiny townhouse to the left has more character, and the midrise to the right is physical proof that building scale is no excuse for simply color mapping brick. Next time, please take a LONG walk around our neighborhood before you put pencil to paper!

Sorry for the rant, but JEEZ!


the designer must be a flaming gay, because i can’t believe a straight person would want his wife and kids living in it.

is it discriminatory to want only straight people designing buildings with common sense and aesthetics?


Hey Everyone,

Sorry about my homophobic comment. I was trying to make a point and I failed miserably. I will be more thoughtful when choosing my words in the future.

– rikki

Anonymous Visitor

Too late for an apology in my book.

So sad that in 2015 that statement would even come to your mind and sadder yet that you would actually type it, read it over, affirm your not a robot and then hit post!

Very sad indeed


why? if you are open minded and not politically correct we have to look at ALL SIDES of the issue….this would be fine in billysburg…but not here

so whats sad about it? its a part of life……so instead of griping ask who is the designer and why was he chosen? so stop being homophobic….and ask the hard questions, and yes being gay just might have been the reason such an ugly building was built here and not somewhere else.

Anonymous visitor

Rikki you are a character! You clearly are not sorry for your homophobic comment! you have every right to say the building is an ugly piece of shit, which it is. That is not the issue. But to claim it is so ugly that it could only have been designed by someone who is gay is the issue. You clearly are too ignorant to understand…….Sunnyside would surely be a better place without you living here. Perhaps you are better suited to live in a small town in upstate


well was it? answer the question and dont avoid it……having some artsy fartsy designer might have been the only problem all along.

hipster$ are making me rich!!

let me get this straight, my place is now worth 3x what i paid for it in 2002? This is bad!!!?? Welcome to Sunnyside my ironic bearded friends!! Now, where would you like that Apple store? we can knock down Southpole and Wendys, not a problem!!

Anonymous visitor

Its only bad to those who have got way with paying dirt cheap rent all these years. The see their days are numbered. I’m with you…….Bring on the Hipsters!!!!

Anonymous Visitor

I did just fine without it………How is it working for you? I didn’t use too many big words in my response so you would be able to understand it Anon


Oh Anon…… you be so smart. Me wishes to be as smart as you. Me guesses you are one of the trolls trying to hold on to your crappy rent stabilized apartment with white knuckles. I am sure you feel superior when you walk into your building each day and the stench of roach spray hits you in the face. Enjoy oh wise one!


No, actually I don’t rent. I own three houses in the area and am doing fine. You would do well to aspire to be as smart as me.


So successful and yet you have the time to have a pissing match on an anonymous board. How do you do it Anon,


You really should have ended your question with a question mark. However to answer your question, I budget my time and drink heavily ;-).

Concern 43rd. Resident

The “dinosaurs” are the ones who helped shape this community into the great place that it is. I propose that our community board does it job!!!!
I propose that their is due diligence done before granting permits / approvals. There are no nine story buildings on 43rd. street , until now this new nine story building acts as a gateway / threat to our peaceful community. By the nine story building being allowed it signals other builders to come in and do the same thing. Because this is NYC. Right???? Wake up and take an aerial look at the entire situation. You make no sense. Your logic destroys communities and drives out hard working families.


There were also no 6 story buildings until someone came along and put one up. What’s your point?

Too bad that happened and allowed you to move into the neighborhood 30 years ago…. Give me a break..


Its all just too much for you, isn’t it. The fact that it isn’t as simple as you want it to be. Reducing life to numbers doesn’t work. It never did. But that doesn’t stop people from trying. Good luck banging your head against the wall.


Oh Dotty yes you are right…….it is to much for me………….how will i ever go on!!
Oh that’s right…..i go on knowing this is 2015………and knowing that the world is a numbers game. And if the numbers don’t make sense….it ain’t gonna happen.

I think it is you banging you head against the wall………..oh wait!! I just made the connection!! Dotty must be short for Dorothy! you are not banging your head against the wall…….you are clicking your heals together……….there is no place like 1970………..there is no place like 1970……….there is no place like 1970! Good luck with that!


I think it is you who is not making sense @ concerned 43rd Street resident. Developers are educated enough to be well aware of what they can do by calculating the lot size and having the properties zoning classification. 9 story building are allowed and anyone with the money to put up a building that size knows this. That’s why you are starting to see 9 story building go up. It is not Monkey see Monkey do. It is all based on calculations. Your argument is absurd. They do not have to even drive past our little neighborhood to figure this out. When you moved here 30 years ago I am sure you displaced someone and that person may have displaced one of the original farm families. It is the cycle of life. That’s why in America every generation has the opportunity to better than the one before them. If people did not take that opportunity and are now finding themselves priced out of a place they have lived for years, who’s fault is that? Its not the new residents fault! It’s not the developers fault who are fulfilling a need! o It is their own fault, that’s who!! To blame new residents moving in because they decided to do more with their lives and make a decent living is just ridiculous!!


It isn’t as simple as that. But you, too, believe in numbers. There is no way to communicate.

Anonymous visitor

Dottie. What is simple? Government handouts in the form of rent stabilization?! It is a numbers game. Life is a numbers game. You must have been given a free or greatly reduced ride to not be able to comprehend that! That is the problem in NYC. You and Gloria must live in the same building


So, Dotty, do you actually want to respond to anonomus or just sling insults? Or is it that you know you perspective is untenable and impossible to defend? Businesses run on numbers, and pretty much any aspect of human behavior can be modeled to maximize profitability. That, zoning, and finance are what dictate the composition of the buildings in a neighborhood.


I would propose that members of CB2 be elected instead of appointed. At least then they would represent the interests of the community instead of the politicians.

Concern 43rd. Resident

As a resident of 43rd. Street for the past 30+ years – I must say gentrification in Sunnyside is nothing to smile about!! This used to be a very quiet neighborhood. Now we are on the road to high housing costs , high food costs, more crimes and last but not least LOTS AND LOTS OF NOISE! Speak up people (at CB#2 meetings / elected officials) before it gets worse!

Anonymous visitor

So what do you propose. Not allowing anyone you don’t approve of to move in?? You and the other dinasours can’t stop others from discovering the neighborhood. If you can’t afford the higher prices then it’s time to move on. That’s the way the world works


You comments make you seem ugly. I hope it isn’t true. The person was talking about quiet. Is it wrong to want to live in a quiet place? It has nothing to do with approving or disapproving of anyone. This neighborhood has undergone normal change since it was first developed, but this is a tidal wave. And if you think people who live here don’t find that upsetting, you don’t know anything about people. Refer to history before you speak again, gain a little wisdom.


Hey Gloria………….Get the stick out of your A** ………Sing a new song….calling anyone who has a different opinion than you ugly makes you seem sort of ridiculous! To call the minuscule about of new buildings going up in Sunnyside a tidal wave shows just how out of touch you are! Go to Astoria if you want to see a tidal wave where each block has multiple new buildings going up at the same time. That is a tidal wave An UGLY UGLY tidal wave lol


You honestly think there’s MORE crime now than there was years ago? You are living in a dream world.


Hmm what colors should we choose for the outside? How about an off beige/ yellow and a pink/peach accented with dark gray.


I haven’t seen the inside, but unfortunately the prices are set for the going market. I thankfully moved into my husbands apartment that’s rent controlled, but I was paying $2300 at 61st & 2nd for a smaller 1BR in a building with less amenities. I’m sure he’ll have no problem finding renters.


I hope you and you husband enjoy your handout, courtesy of the rest of us paying our (and your) way. I can’t wait until rent control goes the way of the dodo.

Anthony Blackwood

Jesus, what a bunch of moaners you all are. First you want more housing and then it must be cheap enough to suit your budget o and wait no noise at any time and the color of the brick. OMG the horror of it all. Go build your own apartment building and we will see how that turns out. Not one compliment to the developer that’s taking a huge risk for you selfish self centered whats in it for me attitude.

El loco

I guess we can blame the horn honking on the developer also. What s bunch of bitter,whining, complaining babies.


The developer should also point out that there’s no need for alarm clocks; the horn honking at 43rd and Skillman will let you know that 6AM has arrived.


this is not an accurate statement, I live on this corner and sleep/wake up very well thank you


I love the idea of sitting on a 3×8 foot balcony on the dark side of the building overlooking beautiful 43rd Street and the parade of loud trucks, construction vehicles, speeding cabs, motorcycles, itinerant asphalt soccer players, pooping dogs, and sidewalk driving electric bikes.

Anonymous visitor

sounds like city living is not for you Dana. what you describe is part of city life……… what is your point???


i know they really give people the middle finger these days….at least have the balcony face trees a garden and some quiet in the back of the building


prices are very cheap

most of the people here must make peanuts

this is nyc it is expensive

welcome to 2015

Anonymous visitor

Your right Mike…….they should be welcomed to 2015 but they are stuck in the 70’s along with their ridiculously low rent stabilized rent. The system is the problem. It gave a bunch of losers a sense of entitlement. They pay such a low rent that they never had to do much with their lives to get by. Yet they feel they have the right to tell people who are out there working hard every day that they are stupid for paying rent that is higher than theirs. I can’t wait until rent control/stabilization is gone. watch them scurry likes roaches out of the city. If you can’t afford to live here for the market rate than you DO NOT belong here. I don’t care how long you have lived here. Time marches on…………except for the select few moochers

Concern 43rd. Resident

Mike since you are Mr. NYC – Why don’t you sponsor a welcome block party for all the new people moving into the neighborhood.

Native NYer

Those prices don’t seem outrageous at all. The parking prices are downright cheap.

El loco

His prices are reasonable for an apartment building. It would be twice that 15 minutes away in Manhattan on the 7 train. Make that 25 minutes away on the 7 train. You guys are living in a dream land.

Pat D's twin

I heard he has been chosen to develop Sunnyside Yards. Deblasio gave him all 200 acres.

Longtime resident

What is with modern construction and what the builders try to pass off as a balcony? For Pete’s sake, can anyone imagine putting two chairs and a table on those “balconies”? They’re big enough to go stand on at a party to smoke a cigarette and not stink up your friend’s apartment (as much as if you were inside). Building developers, nobody is fooled. We know its just one more box to check off on the apartment sites.

Southside Johnny

It’s not a balcony for people to sit and smoke, it’s a railing to protect you from falling when you open your french windows.


Abysmal looking building from the outside, with three different colours of facing brick on the front, Now they are testing the waters with 3 grand for a two bedroom apartment. which will give other sunnyside landlords the excuse to raise up their own properties with the reason being the asking price in this building. And one of the extras that residents will soon find out about this part of 43rd street that they did not expect, it is the worst place in the whole of sunnyside for people not picking up their dogs mess, so much so between 43 ave and skillman should be renamed Dog shit lane.


Where is squirts these days?
Did he get priced out. Or just no money from those cheap hipster.


He won one of those affordable housing units in Long Island city. He’s making giant spit puddles down there. In fact he created the east river.


this is a hideous building, and i feel bad for the residents of Sunnyside having to look at something so grotesque in their neighborhood. especially so close to their landmark historic area.

these are absolutely tiny too…..650 sq feet, come on

I'm in! I'm stupid!

Can you stretch in an apartment that size without hitting a wall? $1900 for 650 square feet? I guess suckers are born every minute.

Chantal Acosta

This is a tragedy for the neighborhood. I just left Manhattan to get away from these type of prices and people!!!


I don’t think that you have to go that far just cough up $1,900.00. You can afford it. Maybe the developer can put some graffiti on the wall and throw some garbage out front. Then it will look like a Sunnysidr building. And thanks for knocking down the tree in front of the property.


I think the prices are quite inexpensive for new construction. If he is only asking $1900 for a one bedroom I can only assume the apartments are as ugly on the inside as they are on the outside!! I am all for new construction but I don’t know what that guy was thinking with the facade of that building. there are 4 or 5 different color bricks. Each ugly by themselves but when put together its truly horrible, It is the ugliest thing I have every seen………..and I am a fan of new construction. That other new building on 44th Street being built fits in much better with the neighborhood. One color brick that blends in with the other buildings not sticks out like a sour thumb.

hate to break it to you, but....

Market rental rates for a 2 bedroom in Sunnyside were $2300-2500 when we moved in 7 years ago. This was south of Queens Blvd, and before that Article touting Sunnyside as the third most livable neighborhood in all of NYC. There are new tenants paying $3K/month for 2BR in prewar apartment buildings in our neighborhood. I’m not defending the guy, but I do think that the pricing is about market, especially with the in-unit washer/dryer.


There are building already charging those rents in the neighborhood (granted the apartments are larger and don’t have really low ceiling heights).


Small studio apts in old buildings in this area start at $1300. $3k for a 2 bedroom in a new construction building is considered quite affordable. Maybe not for retirees for for 2 employed people wanting to share? Or a couple w kids? It’s what things cost. And $1900 isn’t crazy for a 1 bed. What do people think things cost in NYC?? It’s not 1976.

Sam Adams

$1900 is insane for a 1 bedroom. I rent the three bedroom apartment in my private house for $1950 to good, decent, hardworking people.


And you’ve probably owned that house for many years and are still making a considerable profit on their $1950.

$1950 is pretty darn affordable for a new construction building in a good neighborhood almost anywhere in the city that’s not Manhattan or prime BK – where prices would be easily double that.


yes and that is where BEING PERSONABLE and doing your homework can save you $$$$$$$$$$

when it snows you get out there and shovel with the one you bought.. dont let the old landlord do it all…..bring in the mail be nice talk to them like it was your father….make sure he owned the house for a long time so the mortgage is probably paid off…..

old people like friendly personable people so if you have poor people skills then rent in a corporate building at a much higher cost..

Anonymous visitor

Rikki you sound like you ttLled the old guy. Before you moved in. CREEPY!!!!!!!!’


huh what are you smoking………sounds like you have no people skills, therefore a corporate apartment house is perfect for you…

Van Bramer and CB2 should be ashamed.

View the original article.
The “rendering” looks nothing like what was actually built. They went up 9 stories with their ugly building and should’ve only been allowed 6 Stories. RED BLACK AND WHITE BRICK??? Worst looking building in Sunnyside.
How could our elected leaders allow such disregard from the original blueprints. This one is truly an eye sore. I hope you guys got plenty of campaign contributions because you are coming to need them.
Bramer, if you are reading this, Do not let this Nemat build in Sunnyside ever again.


same colors as that new one going up on 48th & greenpoint ave current site of king blvd. must be the next new thing in bldg design


It doesn’t look like the picture, does it? Just another tool used to make fools of us all. Developers are awful, in my opinion.

Anonymous visitor

So who build the place where you live??? A dentist?! No a developer did. Do be a hypocrite!! Get out of that awful place built by a developer and go live in a cardboard box. At least it won’t be built by an evil awful developer….,,,,,,,


Way too pricey for that street the lower 40s of sunnyside are a dumpier with less tress etc. 1400/2400 would have had me excited


How about $1,200.00. You’re living in a fantasy world. If the owner can get it then the demand is there. The guy has the right to make a profit. You would do the same.


got to feel kinda sad for the homeowner to the left…building just dwarfs his property, views and sunlight. should’ve sold when he had the chance


Builder should have thought of putting up a building that fit the neighborhood on the outside. HIs rents are not affordable for the neighborhood either ..

Anonymous visitor

Excuse me? 1brs go for $1,700 w/o w/d etc? 2br rent for similar prices.
Not sure about the quality and not sure what rent you’re paying?!
I’d rent one of those parking spaces though


It’s ugly, it doesn’t fit it aesthetically with the community, it’s too expensive — really, who can afford $1,900 a month let alone $3,000? My sympathies to all the residents who had to deal with construction noise. And what’s up with the “session expired/I’m not a robot”? that keeps popping up after 1 minute — how annoying, I guess they don’t want too many comments.


I pay $1750 for a the 1br right around the corner. Honestly I’d probably pay an extra $150 for in-unit laundry and a damned dishwasher… and the 1.5′ sliver of balcony these units seem to come with.

I’d probably pay an extra $300 to not live in an apartment with bedroom windows on 43rd st. The truck-route noise is unbearable.

Southside Johnny

Those are Petit Juliet, or french balconies; not designed to hang out on, like a terrace, bus so you can open your french windows and not fall out of the building. The ‘window sill” on those windows is way down close to the floor.


all these rich people……i pay less for 2 bedrooms on the south side in a 2 family house with a old landlord….as long as you dont want modern appliances and wild sex at 3am…you can save a lot of money

Anonymous visitor

Rikki. You better hope your “old” landlord lives a long time. Once that 2 family is sd I am sure you will be given your walking papers. Then you will have to pay 3k like the rest of us. On the upside maybe it will come with some wild sex if your lucky!!


he still drives at 85 and not a dent in the car….who knows maybe i can buy it i have a good down payment saved. i dont need luxury but a washer dryer in the house i can use would have been really nice during this winter…but then i have plenty of old fashioned steam radiators to dry clothes on.


why not just buy your own dishwasher for $200-$300? at least you wont have to pay thousands of dollars extra over the course of your lease. gotta love renters! lol

Anonymous Visitor

most landlords do not want their tenants to install any appliances let alone dishwashers or washer/dryers. water is not free


Real “AFFORDABLE” housing — for whom? – right the ones priced out of Williamsburg & LIC…Sunnyside is toast

Toll Troll

I live nearby and I can confirm that laborers have been sleeping in the building for the past 2 years.

Craic Dealer

It looks cheap. The prewar buildings have concrete and plaster in the walls. This looks like it was made from Papier-mâché in China.


the prewar buildings have no sound insulation and old wiring, creak like crazy, and you can easily hear the neighbor right above you. they also have many things that break down. i wish i could afford a condo.


so why is this not being reported to the news or to the city — this is totally against the law —


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