Feb. 10, 2015 By Christian Murray
The photo of the suspect who allegedly robbed the Chase Bank in Woodside on Jan. 17 was very clear and it was only a matter of time before he was nabbed.
The alleged perpetrator Joseph Ramacca was caught in Millfinville, Pennsylvania, on Jan. 22 after trying to purchase a weapon, according to the FBI. He was arrested and charged with armed bank robbery following the Woodside incident and was transferred to New York City on Jan. 29.
Ramacca allegedly walked into the Chase Bank branch, located at 59-26 Woodside Avenue, approached the teller and demanded money at around 11:30 am on Jan. 17, according to police.
The teller handed over an undetermined amount of money and then Ramacca allegedly fled. There were no reported injuries.
What can you say about this bank robber that hasn’t already been said?
Meanwhile, the Mets are looking good! They’ve got a great pitching staff and I think it’s going to be a good year. Let’s hope they sweep the Yankees again in the Subway Series.
I love that a Mets fans sense of accomplishment is “beat the Yankees in the subway series.” No wonder you guys suck every year.
Meanwhile, in the Bronx, they’re planning on having A-Rod stand before a crowded stadium to apologize to the fans for his behavior. How embarrassing. Right now, he’s probably the only well-known player they have. They are rest on their laurels and rapidly becoming insignificant. The humiliation of that sweep destroyed their morale, it pushed Jeter to retire, and it will be a while before they can hold their heads up with pride.
I love it. The issue about a bank robber has been turned into an argument about the Yankees.
moron. Probably from middle village
The Yankees suck and all the fans are poor losers.
The Yankees don’t suck. They’re the most successful team in baseball history.
Their fans, however, tend to be obnoxious assholes who prefer to denigrate and insult other teams rather than celebrate their own team’s accomplishments.
FWIW this “I’m not a robot” thingy sucks and is getting very annoying and tedious. I’m going to stop commenting soon.
i don’t think i’ve ever seen such a clear picture of a robbery suspect. this guy must not be very bright….or else he was trying to get into prison for the free food
Try saying Millfinville five times fast.
Hey, I’m a Yankee fan but I was thinking the same thing. Not the fat thing, though.
somethin about fat people just pisses me off, especially fat criminals in Yankee hats. Yes, it is true, most criminals seem to be wearing yankees hats. Maybe its because several yankees are criminals themselves and their fans just think its normal.
Dude I’m a Met fan but lighten up.
I bet they caught him for something else not because he robbed a bank in sunnyside. Obviously these lowlife pieces of dirt had some drug deal or something in the neighborhood, and figured he could rob the place. Sunnyside is a sitting duck.
How is Sunnyside any more or less a “sitting duck” than any other neighborhood in Queens?
Banks rob us every day. When are they going to get busted?
I found a Joe Ramacca at jail.com. White, 270 lbs., 5’11, brown hair. Arrested in November 2013 for 220.39 FB (CRIM SALE CONTRL SUBST B Felony).If it’s the same guy (found an Elmhurst address) I wonder why he isn’t in prison. If I committed a felony, I assume that’s what would happen.
Maribella gave me food poisoning. It figures that this guy is a Yankee fan. Anytime you see a picture of s criminal or terrorist he’s wearing a Yankee hat!
Takesushi gave me horrible diarrhea. Just looking at their ad on the right makes me nauseous.