Photo: QueensPost
July 3, 2013 Staff report
A Sunnyside woman was stabbed to death in her 46th Street apartment Tuesday night by her boyfriend, according to the police.
The police responded to a 911 call at 11:01 pm and discovered Viridiana Victorioa, a 35-year-old Hispanic woman, unconscious and unresponsive with multiple stab wounds. They found the woman inside her 48-16 46th St. apartment.
The police took the woman’s live-in boyfriend into custody last night.
Comma, I detect some anti-Semitism in your comment. May the poor lady rest in peace. Another terrible “domestic dispute”.
I care about Syria, I just don’t think we should be getting involved militarily over there.
I’m talking about the INFAMOUS border disputes between the Israeli Jews and Palestinians. Don’t be dense.
This is awful. BTW: according to new city council guidelines when you report a crime, you cannot report ethnicity. Prayers for the victim. BTW: Israel is a beautiful country and has less crime than we do. If you want to see border disputes, Comma, go to SYRIA. But you probably don’t care about that, do you?
The funeral will be held Monday, July 8 from 4-7 PM at:
Rivera Funeral
10402 37th Avenue
Corona – Queens, New York 11368
Any donations would be greatly appreciated because the body has to be taken to Mexico to be buried.
Thank you.
I’m a regular customer at that deli. This woman was so kind and friendly. She made my delicious egg sandwiches w/ care, good cheer & professionalism. It’s also a testament to her character and work ethic, that she was often supervising the store in the owners’ absences.
This is a big loss for our community, a bigger loss for her children and family.
May she rest in peace.
I understand there is a collection being taken up for her family at the T&C deli where she worked at 43rd St and 48th Ave.
She had 3 kids. This is so sad
Anywhere people live, there are problems. Idiots say that would never happen here. Stupid people say, I left just in time! Get over the idea that you are safe, wherever PEOPLE are, there can be trouble… And a murder like this seems highly personal, he may not be a danger to general society, just the poor woman. I hope she rests in peace, and that her family finds some solace along the way…
Ms. Quinn says: An entity killed another entity somewhere within a geographic entity. See! It’s nice. Nobody’s sensitivities get bruised!!!
I lived there a very long time. It was starting to get bad up from 45th st on. I lived in Sunnyside and was beautiful . I guess I got out in time. I feel sorry for the women that was stabbed…
Heathens.. all of you discussing zip codes. I saw this woman every single week. She made me egg sandwiches for 12 years. ALWAYS with a smile. I pray God rests her soul in peace. This is just horrid. I’m going to be sick.
I know that deli. The ladies who work there are all very friendly and sweet. The owner is a good guy as well. They must all be devastated.
What a horrible tragedy. God bless all her family and friends.
Punishment: 3 hot meals, a cot, cable tv, free edumacation, health care, dental, and recreation. All on the taxpayers dime.
I say throw them all in a dark pit and let em fight it out.
How awful! Prayers/thoughts/condolences to her family.
Prayers and thoughts for the family of this young woman. Let the killer get the punishment he deserves.
Oh yeah, I know you classy people living in the low 40s want nothing to do with us proles living in the high 40s, but it doesn’t mean we live in Woodside.
Re: “Woodside is cheaper”: Depends what part of Sunnyside you live in. In my experience, rent prices seemed artificially heightened in the listings claiming the buildings were in Woodside. I’m talking around 49th St. and Skillman.
ZIP codes do not determine political boundaries. ZIP codes are drawn and redrawn at the convenience of the post offices. The USPS doesn’t determine you what town you live in.
TraBeQue, phonetically Trabeck
Trapezoid Below Queens Boulevard
@All. Wtf? Some girl gets murdered and we’re all fine with writing it off because the zip code is different? Whew! 11377 is one block over! My neighborhood is still safe! Yall are messed up.
A poor woman is dead and you lot are still bickering about nothing, I give up!
Pretty soon they’re gonna call the South side of Sunnyside “WoodSide”
At Celtic Park, one half of the smaller building is in Sunnyside, the other in Woodside. For me, if your closest 7 train stop is Lowery or Bliss you’re in Sunnyside, if your stop is 52nd or 61st, you’re in Woodside. The post office has other ideas though.
Except that Woodside’s prices are lower. That particular street is Woodside and has Woodside zipcode.
Sunnyside extends from 39th St. to 52nd St., between the LIRR tracks to the north down to the LIE to the south and including the old Cavalry Cemetery. Anybody who says a building in that area is in Woodside is a landlord looking for higher rent prices.
She worked at the deli in Celtic Park on the corner of 43rd & 48th. Celtic Park is 11377, Woodside.
A little pocket of Woodside in the middle of Sunnyside.
It is Woodside.
Its Woodside.
This is definitely a Woodside address – zip code 11377. The way the boundary between Sunnyside and Woodside was devised years ago makes little sense. Sunnyside should encompass everything between 39th St and 50th St. and from the LIE to the LIRR tracks. However, a good chunk of that territory, south of Queens Blvd, is Woodside. In fact, Woodside (11377) goes all the way down to 43rd St. and Laurel Hill Blvd. (the service road for the BQE). In any event, the address in the story (48-16 46 St.) is directly across from the Mets and is in the Woodside postal delivery zone area. Older readers would realize that this building is just a few doors down from the old Harry’s Candy Store (long since gone).
it is not the area but the people! not a happy world!!!
The maps say Sunnyside, but the address is Woodside. My GPS actually doesn’t accept my Woodside address, I have to use Sunnyside, oddly enough.
Anyhoos, I live around the corner. I was wondering what all the cops and fire trucks running around were about. Awful news 🙁
What is this, Israel? Look at a map. There are no border disputes.
Yup. Officially a ghetto.
It’s 46st between 48th Ave and 50th Ave. Sunnyside. Maybe the borders has changed, but all the maps say it’s Sunnyside.
Whatever the location, my condolences to her family.
What avenues is it between?
I have lived 28 years on this block and have always used Woodside on my address!!
Absolutely terrible news – my condolences to her loved ones.
What s going on in Sunnyside lately???
Isn’t this a Woodside address? I used to live right around the corner, and it was Woodside then.